Is it right for an artist to add to your tattoo or use coloring that you didnt request without asking?
Two of my tattoo's that I wanted PINK and WHITE are now big dark blobs, that dont look pink and white at all. They barely look like anything anymore. I was promised they would lighten up. They didn't. It's been 4 months. They've just gotten worse. The guys at Big Daddy's say they can't do a cover up because they're so dark. My only other option is removal... I wish they would just dissapear so I didn't have to cry everyday when I look at myself in the mirror... x.kisses.x Oo*oOo*rOaRie*oOo*oO
Two of my tattoo's that I wanted PINK and WHITE are now big dark blobs, that dont look pink and white at all. They barely look like anything anymore. I was promised they would lighten up. They didn't. It's been 4 months. They've just gotten worse. The guys at Big Daddy's say they can't do a cover up because they're so dark. My only other option is removal... I wish they would just dissapear so I didn't have to cry everyday when I look at myself in the mirror... x.kisses.x Oo*oOo*rOaRie*oOo*oO
a lot of people come in not knowing what they want, and then it/s right for an artist to do what they feel is artistical best for the tattoo..or if you have prefered colours, make a suggestion if they feel the tattoo would be enhanced more-so by trying something slightly different...but if they were the colours you specifically requested...they/re the colours they should have you have a pic of the work?
Sorry to hear that about your tattoo's. I don't live in foxfire. I live on dogwood drive off of Pear Orchard.