Is it right for an artist to add to your tattoo or use coloring that you didnt request without asking?

Two of my tattoo's that I wanted PINK and WHITE are now big dark blobs, that dont look pink and white at all. They barely look like anything anymore. I was promised they would lighten up. They didn't. It's been 4 months. They've just gotten...
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a lot of people come in not knowing what they want, and then it/s right for an artist to do what they feel is artistical best for the tattoo..or if you have prefered colours, make a suggestion if they feel the tattoo would be enhanced more-so by trying something slightly different...but if they were the colours you specifically requested...they/re the colours they should have been.do you have a pic of the work?
Sorry to hear that about your tattoo's. I don't live in foxfire. I live on dogwood drive off of Pear Orchard.
wow... only i can lock my keys in my car twice in a row. go me. oh yea. and you know who you are.... fuck you for not saying hi to me at the movies! love Roarie kiss ooo aaa
I live near Foxfire. it's not to far from the main part of etown (wal mart)
i think beef is a legume..you find it right next to the lentils and dried beans on the shelf

thanks for adding me as a friend <3
I got a car for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! love

good... now come drive to FL and visit me!!!!! i miss you!!!!!!!!!

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
This war against Christmas thing is dumb. I hate having to say "Have a Happy Holiday" at work instead of Merry Christmas. Anyway. I took out my labret after 3 years. I'm going to get my dimple pierced. I think I'm going to just go to Big Daddy's and get it done for $40 rather then drive all the way across town to get it...
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I can't stand mean people. mad
Me neither!

Just saw your name in the pierced group & that you're from E-Town. I got alot of family from around there & Brandenburg. Just thought I'd say hey.

Prety damn cute too in my humble opinion! wink biggrin
I'm getting my hair cut tommorow. Maybe it'll grow faster! I'm finally getting my life back together. I actually feel like i know myself... Now I just have to kick out all the people that make me feel bad. Working on number one right now, but how do you let go of someone that you love to death, but you know is bad for you?...
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thats alot of shit goin on
Its been a week. Jess can finally breath again on his own... He's got a scab where they stuck the breathing tube down his nose though. It makes me sad to look at it. Hopefully he'll be going home soon. Besides the sad things, things arent going too bad. I got two new shoes, and some other neat new clothes. Hmmm, well. x.kisses.x ooo aaa kiss x.rOaRiE.x
man you ae the cutest lil thing since nintendo, i got new shoes today too, some black and yellow high top chucks, awww your too cute

Horrible day today. My best friend, Jess, had an asthma attack and was paralyzed. So right now he's laying in a hospital bed unconcious on a breathing machine. I feel like I have absolutely no one to rely on now... He's the best person I know, and I haven't treated him as good as he treats me and I feel horrible for it...

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awww im sorry about your friend baby but i know what would make you better... IF YOU WERE HERE CHILLING WITH ME!!!! i miss you and love you darling... come back to FL soon!!!!!!!!!!

ooo aaa kiss ooo aaa kiss ooo aaa kiss ooo aaa kiss
that's terrible, sorry to hear that... best wishes for his recovery,,

Why can't she just say, " I want to go home so I can have sex with my EX boyfriend, instead of spend time with my "best friend". If I'm such her fucking best friend, how come she spends more time with her fucking exboyfriend then me? I really wish I could just say fuck it and not talk to her anymore, but we...
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neeeeeeeever! i have a total crush on a pittsburgh boy..i think he/s dreamy

haha so im more than happy to trade places..but i/d neeeeeever come back to australia!

ps/-girls suck.especially when they lie about that kinda stuff
i went to work today and found out i wasnt even scheduled to work. But they gave me 6 hours anyway! I need it... they barely scheduled me to work next week. kinda pisses me off. Anyway. It was an ok day. Coulda been better.
Me and Michelle saw this realllyyyyy hot guy today... and when he walked out we both leaned to see him....
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no way! australian boys are just boring to look at and to listen to...american boys are dreamy...the accents are amazing...

*dreamy sigh*

i have to go back to school tommorow... x.cries.x

x.kisses.x kiss ooo aaa