Christmas lunches might kill you. Danced nude in front of people I shouldn't have danced naked in front of. No regrets though, it was funny. My right leg has been sleeping since saturday. Tried to skate it away but that did not work at all. Kind of sick today, but in a good way.
More Blogs
Saturday Nov 26, 2005
White trash life part II: I'm now working at a tobacco factory. … -
Sunday Oct 23, 2005
I'm back in the place where I grew for a couple of days. My best … -
Saturday Oct 01, 2005
No more concerts for a while. I might be starting a record-com… -
Thursday Aug 11, 2005
I've literally been working my ass off. You know that peace of me… -
Sunday Aug 07, 2005
Tonight I'm gonna give hell to education, my body and my manners. … -
Saturday Aug 06, 2005
Was gonna out in some Calvin and Hobbes stuff here... it'll show up e… -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
I'm finally beginning to feel the exhaustion from not eating or drink… -
Tuesday Jul 26, 2005
This is not a real update. My thoughts pretty much evolves arou… -
Sunday Jun 26, 2005
listening to "By the time I get to Arizona" by Public Enemy. Rap was… -
Tuesday Jun 21, 2005
lots and lots of things since last entry. Not now though. I'm pract…
Good lord!