Started a band. Drums, guitar and Hammond B3. I play the hammond.
We couldn't really find a good name. We went from Sideburn Skyway to even more stupid names, but one night of drinking, and this is who we are:
Date os (us)
The (us) is actually just a translation, saying what the danish "os" means in english. The cool thing is, that people will think we're from the states. We're not. Not at all. Not even a tiny bit.
Wrtiting about dating takes me to the magazine world. "Woman", a danish magaizine for women, interviewet me about being sinlge. I've pretty much been single in 8 years, so they though I was perfect for this article. so I went and got interviewed and they shot a few photos. Now I'm in the damn magazine, photo taken up a whole page and words that are... kinda funny. For instance: They make it sound like the reason I don't want a girlfriend is because I hate holding hands. That's really cool! I mean, that's the perfect reason for not being in a relationship for shure. Man, I should be in more magazines with the expertize I have...
There's a pic on their website.
I'm the man who's not the woman.
nogle gange kan jeg bedre lide at holde i hnd end at have sex. men nogle gange er sex ogs vrre end alt andet i verden og s ville jeg hellere vre dd.
otto brandenburg var fanme ogs hott engang.