gotta post something to counteract that last one....

foggy day in NJ today. i love fog. some of my fondest memories of college contain fog. dropping acid and wandering in the fog along the florida coast. soaking up the peacefulness, while occassionally bumping into another lsd afficionado. what a life.

got a call from a headhunter, she wanted to confirm that i don't know what...
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yeah fog...something so magical about it smile. i want to learn more on photoshop. btw thanks blush
aaacid and fooog ahhhh. now youve got me dreamin.
ask said headhunter where i may hunt me either of these things.
I was young once. But I can never remember not being cynical. LIke Fox Mulder, I often said, "I want to believe," but never could.

Reading a news item here this morning, SleepyLady's post about carbon offsets, made me think more about this once again. Young people want to believe that they can change the world; we old folks have stopped trying. All I can...
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Back at the store, fielding phone calls from creditors and people whose credit cards we double billed. Hell, if I wanted this I would have kept my job at <redacted>.

Still, the weather is beautiful. Wish you were here.
Hey, thanks for commenting on my set smile

Thanks for your crazy comment on my set