Show us what you've got! Fan art of the beautiful SGs! *** PLEASE NOTE *** This group is NOT for general art. It's specifically fan art of the SuicideGirls. There is a group called "Artists" for that kinda stuff. Thanks. Also - please do not ask to be drawn - …
For members, hopefuls, and SGs in the Southeast US!'s the stoner group. No spam or self promotion. No drama or hookup requests. @nonamenumberfive is the owner/moderator of this group. Message me with any questions or concerns
Don't you wish you could understand the mixed signals you get from the ladies? Are you sick of boys playing with your emotions? Does your dating life suck? Let's vent! This is the place where boys and girls can share their advice, stories and tips about dating--whatever your definition of …
A group to talk about work! Share your experiences, vent, whatever!
This is an open group for hopefuls to connect with SGs, members, and other hopefuls! PLEASE read the "Welcome! Please Read Me!!" thread before posting!
A place for drunks to make new drinking friends and limit our senseless babbling to one group, or a place for us to get drunk together then screw up all the other boards en masse. Drunks always need to meet new drinking friends cuz we repeat ourselves a lot and …
Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive
A group for smokers to discuss smoking-related things; why it's good, why it's bad, quitting, not quitting, whatever. Rules: No fucking posts about how terrible smokers are and how smoke is icky. This is not a pot smoking group. There are other places for that. Pot discussion isn't strictly prohibited, …