Today was one of those days that everything just went to hell in a hand basket. Woke up to the sound of my brother leaving the house. That's usually inconsequential except for my car is broken, can't take the motorcycle because it was going to rain, and therefore I needed a ride to work. So I call him and tell him to come back, he has to be at work in 20min so that meant no shower for me. I need a shower to wake up in the morning so my day was doomed already.
So I get to work and deal with a computer order that I'm working on, everyone is asking the wrong questions to the wrong people so I have to straighten that out. I get a text message saying "we went to lunch, we're here if you want to join us.", so I drop what I'm doing, gather the rest of those who weren't told about lunch (we usually go as a group), and by the time we get there, guess who's walking out the door to head back... WTF? whatever.
Grabbed food at Pizza Hut, figured I deserved some tasty food... well, if tasty meant stale ass bread and solid almost crunchy cheese, then I suppose that's what I got. sigh.
Went back and found out a server was dieing, asked if it was ok to shut it down so I could go fix it otherwise I wouldn't make the trip across campus. Got the OK, went, found out yes, I can shut it down but they stacked a bunch of other equipment on top of the server preventing me from getting inside of which we can't shut down. GAH. I said screw it, I carefully moved the equipment off the server while running and did my work. I'll catch hell for it tomorrow but whatever.
Left from there to go home so nothing else could go wrong. Got in an argument over SMS that lasted for quite a while that I don't even want to get into right now. Decided to make the best of the night and go out with some friends. Everyone was either too busy, not around, etc. etc. so I ended up going to blockbuster, renting beauwulf on Blu-Ray because we saw some of the movie and the DVD was scratched so much that we had to stop watching. I also picked up Call of Duty for PS3, it was pretty damn cool except you need to have the volume up to really get into it (at least I do) but I was irritating others in the house (I'd be irritated if I were them) so I stopped playing.
Finally I did something productive... I tested the coleman stove and lantern for Rothbury, put them along with the sleeping bags, aero bed, extension cord, inverter, and other stuff together ready for the trip Wednesday.
Most exciting part of the day was seeing this sign:

So I get to work and deal with a computer order that I'm working on, everyone is asking the wrong questions to the wrong people so I have to straighten that out. I get a text message saying "we went to lunch, we're here if you want to join us.", so I drop what I'm doing, gather the rest of those who weren't told about lunch (we usually go as a group), and by the time we get there, guess who's walking out the door to head back... WTF? whatever.
Grabbed food at Pizza Hut, figured I deserved some tasty food... well, if tasty meant stale ass bread and solid almost crunchy cheese, then I suppose that's what I got. sigh.
Went back and found out a server was dieing, asked if it was ok to shut it down so I could go fix it otherwise I wouldn't make the trip across campus. Got the OK, went, found out yes, I can shut it down but they stacked a bunch of other equipment on top of the server preventing me from getting inside of which we can't shut down. GAH. I said screw it, I carefully moved the equipment off the server while running and did my work. I'll catch hell for it tomorrow but whatever.
Left from there to go home so nothing else could go wrong. Got in an argument over SMS that lasted for quite a while that I don't even want to get into right now. Decided to make the best of the night and go out with some friends. Everyone was either too busy, not around, etc. etc. so I ended up going to blockbuster, renting beauwulf on Blu-Ray because we saw some of the movie and the DVD was scratched so much that we had to stop watching. I also picked up Call of Duty for PS3, it was pretty damn cool except you need to have the volume up to really get into it (at least I do) but I was irritating others in the house (I'd be irritated if I were them) so I stopped playing.
Finally I did something productive... I tested the coleman stove and lantern for Rothbury, put them along with the sleeping bags, aero bed, extension cord, inverter, and other stuff together ready for the trip Wednesday.
Most exciting part of the day was seeing this sign:

Your car doesn't work? But I thought people with masters degrees lived in a magical happy land full of money. Unless they have a masters in fine arts, then they steal scrap metal and eat out of dumpsters.
Do check out Beowulf sometime, it was a most awesome action movie. Have fun camping. 

For the record, I wasn't technically irritated...I just couldn't hear what I was trying to watch.