Well i know that i am not writing much into my journal, its true..i've been to this site more than 2 years now but i had a long break and i came back...well the reason was i had a girlfriend from here i am not so used to writing stuff unless if i have something specific or i can talk with someone that have same interests as me...i dont know maybe i am not used to tell people what i am doing every day...
Well this week i had some good news, i've got a raise in my salary
after only 5 months, i didn't expect that!!! the weekend past simple like that..i watched a movie last night the Creep, not very excited about it anyway..u can watch it if you don't have anything else to do!!!
Next month i really want to go to
London Film Festival 2006
18th of October till 2nd of November
..Anyone else fancy going there ???
Well this week i had some good news, i've got a raise in my salary

Next month i really want to go to
London Film Festival 2006
18th of October till 2nd of November
..Anyone else fancy going there ???
Met her? Ha, she's a real-life friend, I got her to apply!
Yes doing much better, how are you? Have you gone to a lot of films in the LFF? I usually go to the Edinburgh International Film Festival but I missed it this year. HOpe you're well