Ah, it's been awhile again hasn't it? I don't know why I space these so far apart, it's not like I'm pressed for time or anything... So lately things have been steaming along as usual, which is nice. Days keep ticking off the calender, which is even nicer. A little over a month to go until I get to come home to my baby girl, so I'm (we're) extremely excited about that! Xmas is coming soon, normally that really excites me because I get well into the "spirit of the holidays". And by that I mean, thousands of lights everywhere, gifts for everybody, and ridiculous amounts of shopping. But I do that all year long, so maybe I don't get into the spirit. Hell, I don't even take my lights down until July.
Kidding, but no really, they're still up there... Anyways, this year I managed to find a little string of lights to wrap around my room, so at least I've got that. I ordered presents for everyone early this year, so everyone has their present from me, which is good. I'm not sure if I'll get mine from the sweet wife in time or not yet, the mail system here is like the internet, the weather, and everything else... crappy. Oh well, on a happy note: I just paid for our vacation for us when I get back! An 11 night Caribbean cruise, going to Panama, Colombia, Aruba, Costa Rica, and the Grand Cayman Islands! I'm soooooo excited, we're going to have a blast! And we need a nice vacation together, so that will be perfect. But for now, business as usual, just another day... Soon enough though, soon enough...

It's funny you get to see your wife, one of my closet friend's husband comes home for R&R and yeah me. all within the same time. Atleast we'll be having a good January. And I'm so jealous of your vacation plans!
Like she would've hated it?!