I never thought I would say it, but it's good to be back at my camp. Been really busy the last 10 days or so, was out in the jungle working. We've been rebuilding a school, and it's not in the "nicest neighborhood", so we've had to keep an extra close eye on things... But I'm back now. You don't realize the things that you use everyday until you don't have them anymore. Internet, A/C, toilets, things like that. So all I've got on my mind is coming home to see my sweet wife in a couple of months. That's a good and a bad thing. Good because it gives me something nice to think about, but bad because I can't think about anything else. And sometimes distractions can be a bad thing. Not sure where I'm going with this anymore, so here's a couple of random shots from this last week:
Tearing down the old roof
A GIGANTIC fucking spider that I discovered right by my head as I was checking out the jungle
Some interesting graffiti found on the walls. Man loves woman or man loves pig?

Spiders give me the creeps
Of course! and the lovely humming of the tattoo machine is music to my ears