Ah let's see here, it's been a bit since my last blog. What shall I talk about? I recently moved to a new camp. It's nice, I like it. It's on top of a hill as opposed to the bottom of one, so there is a nice breeze and plenty of room to run (which is great because I've been dying to go on a hard run recently). There are a few improvements that need to be made, but hey, that's what I'm here for right?
I've got a couple of months until I get to go home, and I can't wait! I'm so excited to see my beautiful wife. Come through our front door, scoop her up in a big hug, lightly caress her lips, whisper in her ear how much I love her and have missed her. Take her upstairs and... ... ... well you get the picture. In the meantime though, I'm doing my best to keep a level head about situations that I have no control over, nor can do anything about at this current time. It's hard. I smoked 3 cigarettes the other night. 3! I know some of you are going "So? I just smoked a whole pack." Well, I quit over 5 years ago, I smoked for 10 years before that, and never planned on smoking again. I was just super stressed out, and didn't know what to do. Hell, I can only work out for so long every day... Anyways, like I said, keeping a level head, not letting it affect my work is most important while I'm here. Once I get home, things will be different. I don't have anyone here as pretty as her to rub my head when I'm angry, or press her soft warm body against mine at night while I'm sleeping to make me forget everything in this world that upsets me. Someone who always leaves me smiling every time I see her beautiful face and makes me think "Damn, I'm a lucky guy. Something special brought this girl into my life, and she's mine now." That's who is waiting back home for me. Soon though, soon...
P.S. Pictures of the new camp coming soon!

P.S. Pictures of the new camp coming soon!
How are you and the beautiful wife??