Haha! So, entry number two. I finally got to do something exciting (or more exciting than the normal) recently. Yesterday I took a long boat ride, on a, lets call it, an "unserviceable boat". It was rather sketchy, and after the boat breaking down for the fourth or fifth time, leaving all of us stranded in the water, my friend and I had to seriously...
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Thank you! kiss
I hope you and your wife spend Halloween together! It;s one of my favorite holidays and it's so much better around those you love. By the way, thanks for the love on my set Walk Without Rhythm you're super sweet.
So... This is my 1st blog here on SG... How exciting! I dont normally write about myself online, but I'm really bored, and it helps people to know that I'm not a serial killer, so what the hell? I'll give it a shot... I'm from NW Washington, happily married to my beautiful wife, and a workaholic... We are geograpicly seperated right now, which royally sucks,...
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Thank you so much for your support and love for my first set The Pink Suite! It really means so much to me kiss
soooo you're a serial killer, eh? hmm.. wink tongue biggrin
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