Blah... I'm in kind of a grumpy mood right now. Probably not the best time to write out a blog, but I'm really bored and have nothing better to do at the moment. I've been working a lot, which I like. It keeps me busy and my mind off of other things... like missing my wife. I'll be back in one month from today, so...
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Hmm you know by the date on this blog you should be coming back home for a bit. How are you guys doing?
Three months, damn I've been slacking! It's been too long since my last post. To anyone that reads these: sorry
. So what's happened since my sexy wife and I returned from our awesome Caribbean trip? Hmmmmm... Been busy with work and school, making some improvements to the house, and relentlessly punishing my evil, evil liver
. My daughter came up from CA for two...
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Fun... you know it wasn't "as bad" as I thought it would be. The guy was surprised I sat there and took it like a champ. He would stop and all I'd say was " that shit kinda hurts"
Hows your back feeling

Dude! When I first saw the picture I was like what is that Airman doing wearing that... oh wait they have D.I's?
Alright, I'ts been a while... Sorry to everyone. But then again, I'm not sure if too many people read my blogs, so I guess I don't have to apologize to too many people...
My lovely wife and I just recently returned from our "official" honeymoon, a two week cruise in the Caribbean! Aruba, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, and Grand Cayman... It was soooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!...
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i would instinctively throw up the horns all the time too! speaking of which any more pics of torture devices? 

awesome man
happy bday btw!
happy bday btw!
Wow, I haven't posted in over a month... Normally, I would think that's lame, but it doesn't really bother me right now. I've been really busy with everything: Work (unfortunately), snowboarding, sex, dining out, hotels, drinking, more sex. I just haven't had much time for blogging. The Mrs. is away right now, so I have a little more time to myself. So I figured I'd...
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I was coming to by to ask where the hell have you been!
How is the Mrs doing? Has she gotten home yet... well in the 2 weeks since you posted this.
How is the Mrs doing? Has she gotten home yet... well in the 2 weeks since you posted this.
Did you get lost at sea?
Hey everyone! I'm back in the states with my beautiful wife! HOORAY!
Sorry I've been offline for a while, we've been "busy"... Hope everyone is doing well, I know I am now!

Oh god thats right didn't she deploy shortly after you got home?
You really need to stop booking your world travels through the US. Army.
Tomorrow! I leave for home tomorrow! Yes! Here I come sweet wife! 

Ahhhhh, I'm so close now I can taste it! Just 9 more days until I'm back at home with my wonderful wife! She just stocked up the house with all my favorite foods and filled up the liquor cabinet.
So close now, so close. The hours are going soooooo slow...

OMG!!! I knew it was getting closer!!! YAY
I leave Wednesday night at 2300!!!
Alright, so a new year is upon us! I'm just glad the holidays are over. Normally it's my absolute favorite time of the year. But this year, spending it away from my lovely wife has made me realize something. It's only my favorite holiday because I'm normally not working and can spend lots of time with her. So I guess anytime that I'm home with...
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thanks for changing your name jerk! I didnt notice!!!
Hah you know I actually have one that you can dig fox holes with packed in the back of the car along with a cot and blankets and a pillow. Its ever incase we get called up I dont have to sleep on the floor.
16 days!? Fantastic! You know *ahem* you all should make a trip out to the east coast sometime and hang out with us cool kids.
16 days!? Fantastic! You know *ahem* you all should make a trip out to the east coast sometime and hang out with us cool kids.
Right! So, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I am back early! Nice! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy working, but I also enjoy taking showers, and skype-ing with my lovely wife, and sleeping in a bed... So, no complaints here! 

skype is amazing aint it ?
Xmas is over, glad it's behind me. Made lots of phone calls to the family and had turkey for dinner, but besides that, it was just another day. I didn't get any of my Xmas packages because our mail system is all jacked up right now. But fortunately, it's not like that in the U.S., so my lovely wife and daughter got their presents from...
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Ah, it's been awhile again hasn't it? I don't know why I space these so far apart, it's not like I'm pressed for time or anything... So lately things have been steaming along as usual, which is nice. Days keep ticking off the calender, which is even nicer. A little over a month to go until I get to come home to my baby girl,...
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It's funny you get to see your wife, one of my closet friend's husband comes home for R&R and yeah me. all within the same time. Atleast we'll be having a good January. And I'm so jealous of your vacation plans!
Like she would've hated it?!
Well, so I'm FINALLY starting to feel better. Geez, I was sick for about 10 days. Ridiculous! I don't think I've ever been sick that long in my entire life. I sure am glad it happened while I was here in the jungle working, instead of home where I could lie in bed all day and get pampered by my lovely wife (who would probably...
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Not yet next month I believe I go before everyone, my Sgt is supposed to let me know. It's in the bag though 

I will gladly trade you places, I believe hell really has frozen over due to this weather.