Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.
--- William Shakespeare
I love these things! I just ate a whole box.
Here's a pic of that turtle light. I can't sleep without it.
Okay, some teenage girls made fun of my orange hair, so I decided to just bleach it.
It only took 15 minutes to get it this light. I guess I'll dye it back to black in a few weeks. For now, I really want to see if blondes have more fun.
Before (it really looks orange in the sun):

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.
--- William Shakespeare
I love these things! I just ate a whole box.

Here's a pic of that turtle light. I can't sleep without it.

Okay, some teenage girls made fun of my orange hair, so I decided to just bleach it.
It only took 15 minutes to get it this light. I guess I'll dye it back to black in a few weeks. For now, I really want to see if blondes have more fun.
Before (it really looks orange in the sun):


Happy V Day!

Click here to see how fast she will be
She is powered by twin 1300hp sterlings that can be bumped up to 1500hp with a pulley swap and CAM2 racing fuel