Why aren't you guys folding? And who is this "ERADICATOR" fellow? I have to take this person down. It has only taken me two weeks to accomplish twenty WUs using three computers running 24/7. So if my arithmetic is correct, I'm guessing that it will only take me about a month to make it to the top?


I have no life.
I have an appointment to see a therapist concerning my insomnia. It seems that my doctor has given up on me. Another one bites the dust.

Thinking about sleep gives me anxiety. Why wouldn't it? That's when they get you.

Tuesday is the day. We will see.
and if it does?

good luck, fella. i've been considering seeing a doc for insomnia for a few years now, but i guess i just never really got around to it. i'm hoping it'll go away on it's own. whatever
So I says to Mabel, I says......
STRANGE RELATIVE: We really need to go to Home Depot and buy a weed eater
YOU: Yes, I've been meaning to pick up a bone saw myself. Damn corpses.

hahaha! That's what you should have replied! biggrin
Isn't it a lovely day for a picnic?

Thanks for the warm welcome back. It's good to be here.
Valentine's day is coming! What's the best gift you ever received? Flowers and what else? A nice dinner at home?

I asked a lady at work and she said that despite having a steady boyfriend for the past five years, she has never received a Valentine's gift. I felt so sorry for her. Do you think giving her a flower would be weird?

I'm going...
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my bathroom took most of the morning, it was so gross. about a month ago i spilt a drink in there and half-assedly wiped it up but there was still a sticky spot on the floor that i should have mopped at the time but i neglected it until today.
aww. you're too sweet!

you can certainly be mine, anytime!
I have come to the conclusion that a can of soda and bag of pretzels do not constitute a healthy breakfast. What does? A carrot? I'm not really into breakfast foods: bacon, pancakes, eggs. I'm allergic to dairy, so no milk.

The speakers connected to my computer are on the fritz. Time to get a new set. Did you know that Bose is considered a...
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i wanna be your bowling buddy!!

me! me!!
i am the one and only.

next time i'm in cali ...
I still have yet to sign up for piano lessons. I keep stalling. There's even a good teacher just a couple of blocks away. What's wrong with me? I guess I'm concerned that taking lessons will take the fun out of playing.

A friend's dad just called me to diagnose his dvd problems. I don't know why people call me for these things. You set...
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I have been meaning to ask you how I set my Mr. Coffee at 4 cups.
Aww darlin'

I'm always here if you need me. smile
As part of my resolution to better myself, I have decided to take piano lessons. I'm scared!

I have also been trying to be more social. I'm surprised how complete strangers smile when you say "Hello."
learn chopsticks.
just stopping by to check on you.

I finally get a Playstation 3 and it's defective!!! And since I bought it off of eBay, Sony voided the warranty. I have such bad luck. frown

On a bright note, the bleeding has stopped.
Sony bastards!!!

Planter's Cheese Balls are the ultimate cheez-flavored snack, and I can't find them anywhere anymore! Damn that Sony: I bet they're a part of the conspiracy!
I cut my arm! I tripped on a stuffed animal walking back to my room and hit my arm on the corner of a table. What do I do? I'm bleeding, but I don't want to leave my room again. frown
Hopefully you gave that stuffed animal a good reaming! wink
i prefer to use the kindney punch, or really any form of assault that will have the other person pissing blood for a week. and it comes after the smile.