wow, its almost been a month since written a journal....
well lets see Im gonna turn 25 and Im freakin out;
I thought I was gonna be a kid forever but now it seem that time has
something else in store for me.
Everyone older than me says that Im still a kid but everyone younger than me say Im geting old.
Is this a quarter life crisis?
and why is it so hard to find a decent girl in this town?!
well lets see Im gonna turn 25 and Im freakin out;
I thought I was gonna be a kid forever but now it seem that time has
something else in store for me.
Everyone older than me says that Im still a kid but everyone younger than me say Im geting old.
Is this a quarter life crisis?
and why is it so hard to find a decent girl in this town?!

happy belated B-Day!

I love you sweetie pie, Hugs n kisses I am not sure I am going to leave sg dunno tho anyways hit me up let me know whats going on