So July is approaching and I have 2 weeks of vacation to look forward to. The first week will be spent in Maryland helping my brother move stuff out of his old house. He and his family are living in my house at the moment. Originally there was to be much driving from Florida to Maryland as a group. This has changed. I am now...
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All is for you, because you are cool) thanx for support on my set )
So today my brother and I treated my mom and my sister in law to lunch at this Brazilian churascaria (I'm fairly certain I just mispelled that) called Fuego. It was pretty cool. You pay like $25 and they just bring out meat on these metal skewers and they just cut off as much as you like. They this amazing chicken and steak, along with...
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I fucked up my left hand on Saturday night. I was in a crazy circle pit during a Pennywise concert and I got knocked down. I stopped myself with my left hand twice. The floor was concrete and I have a bruise covering all of the pad of my thumb and some of my wrist. It fucking hurts to do everyhting. The last 2 nights...
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Thank you ,I hope your hand get's better and I hope you don't use that one to touch yourself tongue I wish u lucky with all the things that you wanna do.
thank you sweetheart

have hot friday nigth wink

I am so tired of working the graveyard shift. Ugh, but what's new.
Lessee, I haven't posted in a while so quick updates are in order.
I had half my wisdom teeth pulled. The other 2 will go as well, later. It was all a much easier process than I was led to believe. I spent 3 days getting fat on ice cream.
I've begun...
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I have purchased the new Metallica album. I approve. Its is very good.
Also, I went to a conceret the other night and moshed with a one legged man. I informed him that he was metal as fuck.

That is all.
So I should know better, to be sure, but I think I'm crushing a bit on this waitress I met. She's beautiful, has a lot of personality and after talking to her I think we have a lot in common. We think we know each other and I think I know from where. We really hit it off when we were talking but she wouldn't...
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My internet situation should be improving greatly in the next few months. When I finally get online with my computer and not just my smart phone then I can get back into updating my profile and pictures. Can't wait till I can actually watch videos online and *gasp* run Flash!

In the meantime I'm occupied with other things. I have to figure out what to...
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thank you so much for the encouragement. yeah, i thought so too but i guess shit is getting really competitive... haha ugh we need to get new jobs lol. xo
Hi. I'm Dan. I've been meaning to get back on the site for a while. This site has the most beautiful women on the web from all over the world and I'm glad to be back. I'll be getting reacquainted with the community as well.
thanks for the love on my set kiss
yayy welcome back smile

thanks for commenting on my set kiss