Am I the only one who hasn't been swept up in the Ipod revolution? They are just so damn expensive... way more than they should be in my opinion. It seems like an Ipod is a ticket into a little sub-culture of our society, and only the cool kids have them. I just don't see why they are so popular.
I've also posted some topics on the new View Askew group I just started. Drop by, join up, check 'em out! I'm really looking forward to getting it up and running. I have been a Kevin Smith super-freak since I saw Clerks in college in a dinky little college theater on a crappy 16mm print... just the way it was supposed to be seen.
I also watched Pulp Fiction for the first time in ages today. It never gets old. Pure genius. Should have won Best Picture... if not for that damn Forest Gump movie (which I must confess to loving as well, but PF is a better film). He really shook up the way movies are made for a while there... still has to an extent.
Nothing else really insightful today. Truth be told, I am kind of procrastinating. I am less than a week away from rehearsals for my next show and I need to be studying lines. I don't have to be off book on day one, but I want to be as close as I can. It's not a tough show, but I don't feel right if I'm not prepared. Well, my script beckons. Hasta.
BTW- If you are coming here because of the note I left in your journal about the View Askew group, thanks a lot. I hope it wasn't creepy. I just really want this group to take off, especially since Clerks 2 is almost done.
I've also posted some topics on the new View Askew group I just started. Drop by, join up, check 'em out! I'm really looking forward to getting it up and running. I have been a Kevin Smith super-freak since I saw Clerks in college in a dinky little college theater on a crappy 16mm print... just the way it was supposed to be seen.

I also watched Pulp Fiction for the first time in ages today. It never gets old. Pure genius. Should have won Best Picture... if not for that damn Forest Gump movie (which I must confess to loving as well, but PF is a better film). He really shook up the way movies are made for a while there... still has to an extent.
Nothing else really insightful today. Truth be told, I am kind of procrastinating. I am less than a week away from rehearsals for my next show and I need to be studying lines. I don't have to be off book on day one, but I want to be as close as I can. It's not a tough show, but I don't feel right if I'm not prepared. Well, my script beckons. Hasta.
BTW- If you are coming here because of the note I left in your journal about the View Askew group, thanks a lot. I hope it wasn't creepy. I just really want this group to take off, especially since Clerks 2 is almost done.

i should pick them up.