What a crappy couple of days outside in Richmond! Wet, overcast, cold, and dreary. Cool lightning storms last night, though. I could watch lighting storms for hours.
I was going through some old pictures in my email inbox last night and I realized 3 things...
1) I really miss my mom. It's been a little over 2 years now since her passing and I think about her all the time.
2) I've gained entirely too much weight in the last 3 years. It has to come off. I looked so much better then!!! Fealt better, too.
3) I really miss living in Portland. I was talking to my friend Chris the other day about that very fact. He and I worked together at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry as outreach educators. He now lives with his family near Albany, NY. That is the last place I really fealt at home. It is an akmost magical place to live. Yes, it rains a lot and yes it is cloudy for 8 or 9 months in the fall and winter... but it was such a cool town! And the summers! Forget about it. I have decided that I am going to do my best to spend my birthday in Portland every year from now until I finally move back there. I hope that going back to visit will motivate me to want to move back permenantly.
Anyways, that's about it for me. Big hoorays for my recently added friends!!! I'll be talking to all of you soon
I was going through some old pictures in my email inbox last night and I realized 3 things...
1) I really miss my mom. It's been a little over 2 years now since her passing and I think about her all the time.
2) I've gained entirely too much weight in the last 3 years. It has to come off. I looked so much better then!!! Fealt better, too.
3) I really miss living in Portland. I was talking to my friend Chris the other day about that very fact. He and I worked together at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry as outreach educators. He now lives with his family near Albany, NY. That is the last place I really fealt at home. It is an akmost magical place to live. Yes, it rains a lot and yes it is cloudy for 8 or 9 months in the fall and winter... but it was such a cool town! And the summers! Forget about it. I have decided that I am going to do my best to spend my birthday in Portland every year from now until I finally move back there. I hope that going back to visit will motivate me to want to move back permenantly.
Anyways, that's about it for me. Big hoorays for my recently added friends!!! I'll be talking to all of you soon
