Baby come back, baby come back & make my dreams...

Abbiss is coming ........
Send love to her Backstage

I'll be in hospital for two days to take off the metal piece that's in my clavicle since more than a year.
It was broken after a stupid fall in Harley...
I wish that when I wake up I'll smell a strawberry smell that would make me think of someone I really love

Abbiss is coming ........

Send love to her Backstage

I'll be in hospital for two days to take off the metal piece that's in my clavicle since more than a year.
It was broken after a stupid fall in Harley...
I wish that when I wake up I'll smell a strawberry smell that would make me think of someone I really love
Oh man, that sounds painful. I'm sure everything will go just fine. Take care of yourself
J'espere que l'operation se passera bien, mais ya pas de raison, comme tu le vois on est nombreux croiser les doigts ^^