Howdy folks 
So, thought I would drop a quick update. I am currently in the home stretch of my journey to "official" university acceptance. A couple of months back, you may recall, I said I was tentatively accepted into the Urban Studies degree program at the University of Calgary. Right now I am in the midst of writing my 3 final exams for my English course.
To get into the program, I only need 72% in English, since I am a mature student. I have 2 out of the 3 done. My average right now is 83% with my last exam next wednesday. Barring a total catastrophe, I should be able to finally get a higher edu-ma-cation
Anyways wish me luck folks
P.S. I finally got this in the mail for my laptop.

I am officially the coolest kid on my block.... Or is that the dorkiest? Meh

So, thought I would drop a quick update. I am currently in the home stretch of my journey to "official" university acceptance. A couple of months back, you may recall, I said I was tentatively accepted into the Urban Studies degree program at the University of Calgary. Right now I am in the midst of writing my 3 final exams for my English course.
To get into the program, I only need 72% in English, since I am a mature student. I have 2 out of the 3 done. My average right now is 83% with my last exam next wednesday. Barring a total catastrophe, I should be able to finally get a higher edu-ma-cation

Anyways wish me luck folks

P.S. I finally got this in the mail for my laptop.

I am officially the coolest kid on my block.... Or is that the dorkiest? Meh

and thank you!
I loved The Road... read it a while back but I decided that I have to reread it before I watch the movie.