ok, so good news and bad news in regards to the MSI show on the 28th...dog fashion disco has pulled out of all their shows until the end of the year, because they're burnt out on touring...sucks, because those guys are fucking badass, and i was really looking forward to playing with them again. the good thing about all that, is that now we get bumped up into their spot for the show, and we get to backline our equipment, which is superdope.
went to quitar center yesterday, and our new bass player joey who works there hooked me up. got a set of bags for my drums, a couple cymbal stackers, couple new cymbals, extra sticks, and some other little stuff. only cost me about 150 bucks, so that was nice.
so now here i sit, bored as hell, and finally feeling like i'm getting over that stupid cold i had. so now i'm all hot in the biscut to get the fuck out of the house, and everyone else is still sleeping, so i have nothing to do. bah.
so anyway. come to the mindless self indulgence show in toledo ohio on the 28th of this month, and see my band. or else...hehe.
oh, and we got snow the other day...first time i've been snowed on in like 2 years
went to quitar center yesterday, and our new bass player joey who works there hooked me up. got a set of bags for my drums, a couple cymbal stackers, couple new cymbals, extra sticks, and some other little stuff. only cost me about 150 bucks, so that was nice.
so now here i sit, bored as hell, and finally feeling like i'm getting over that stupid cold i had. so now i'm all hot in the biscut to get the fuck out of the house, and everyone else is still sleeping, so i have nothing to do. bah.
so anyway. come to the mindless self indulgence show in toledo ohio on the 28th of this month, and see my band. or else...hehe.
oh, and we got snow the other day...first time i've been snowed on in like 2 years

Dog fashion disco is awesome!
I wish I could see you guys play I haven't been to a good show in ages. The last one I saw was cannibal corpse & hypocrisy 2 years ago
Best of luck though!
Welcome back to the world of the non sick
I have cheesy sci-fi original zombie movies to watch so boredom has yet to seep in on this side of the world