just saw blood brothers in mass this night of nights, and im seeing them again tommorrow in ct and then its off to the faint on monday in good ol new york.. then 2 weeks from now its 5 days of good ol msi fun in the sun and then a 3 day msi shabang in july in ny again....so much to do so little money to spend
i got my new computer case in the mail and am building it as we speak, its a hot server tower im gonna mod and make super sexy for all of you to love me for, and also im making a new album this week, i wonder if it wont suck this time
thats all for now
love you all
just saw blood brothers in mass this night of nights, and im seeing them again tommorrow in ct and then its off to the faint on monday in good ol new york.. then 2 weeks from now its 5 days of good ol msi fun in the sun and then a 3 day msi shabang in july in ny again....so much to do so little money to spend
i got my new computer case in the mail and am building it as we speak, its a hot server tower im gonna mod and make super sexy for all of you to love me for, and also im making a new album this week, i wonder if it wont suck this time
thats all for now
love you all