i, am thinkin its a sign....
if your not dancin to the postal service then i dont wanna know you
so ok i have SOOO MUCH TO DO TODAY and it kinda has to be today since im busy mcpopular latley and have lots to do with lots of people "busy mcpopular wtf?" and so here is todays scedule...go to haircut place and become super cute...go to hot topic and get 2 pairs of pink and black tights, on for the crotchel region and one for a shirt...get cooler ready for energy drinks to keep my ass awake and ready...kick the fed-ex man in the ass for not being here yesterday when he was supposed to be...then sleep for another great work night in londonderry.
i got my kaoss pad in da mail so im a happy camper for that (if i were any more happy ide be a magician with super powers that only awsome happy magicians get)
and also the 16th me and disfigured housewife will be playing a show (forget where at the moment) under the name " EAT YOUR OWN MAKEUP" all the cool kids will be there ready to watch us make asses of ourselves, or be completley amazing and become famouse...im thinkin asses since were the only noise band playing...at least i made a super awsome logo for use...SEEE!
and were recording a small 3 inch cd we will be selling at the show LIMITED COPYS! and BUTTONS FOR THE KIDS WILL BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!! but if you want to pay for em there 50 cents (like the rapper)
thats all for now
end super awsome entry!
if your not dancin to the postal service then i dont wanna know you
so ok i have SOOO MUCH TO DO TODAY and it kinda has to be today since im busy mcpopular latley and have lots to do with lots of people "busy mcpopular wtf?" and so here is todays scedule...go to haircut place and become super cute...go to hot topic and get 2 pairs of pink and black tights, on for the crotchel region and one for a shirt...get cooler ready for energy drinks to keep my ass awake and ready...kick the fed-ex man in the ass for not being here yesterday when he was supposed to be...then sleep for another great work night in londonderry.
i got my kaoss pad in da mail so im a happy camper for that (if i were any more happy ide be a magician with super powers that only awsome happy magicians get)
and also the 16th me and disfigured housewife will be playing a show (forget where at the moment) under the name " EAT YOUR OWN MAKEUP" all the cool kids will be there ready to watch us make asses of ourselves, or be completley amazing and become famouse...im thinkin asses since were the only noise band playing...at least i made a super awsome logo for use...SEEE!

and were recording a small 3 inch cd we will be selling at the show LIMITED COPYS! and BUTTONS FOR THE KIDS WILL BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!! but if you want to pay for em there 50 cents (like the rapper)
thats all for now
end super awsome entry!
this is an old noise/dance I used to partake in.
will you post that picture you took of me? put it in my journal if you have it
oh and glad you guys made it home okay, those fucking roads sucked but at least we made it
good to see you again