T-minus 12 hours until the tragically hip.
Ok, lets see........
Canal Fest, the biggest gathering of White Trash in Western New York is happening this week. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I was there last night, and I cant say I can remember the last time that I was so disgusted by so many people at one time. Its just a horrible experience.
I cant get adjusted to normal time again. I couldnt fall asleep last night until about 430 and its 730 now and Im wide awake. This is definitely going to cause some problems if I dont readjust very soon.
Things with the girl are going great. She is something far beyond amazing. Despite the "rules" we set up at the beginning of our relationship we are spending almost every day together. I have no complaints about this at all. She has brightened my life more than I ever thought possible.
Sorry about the lameness, and randomness of this journal. I just had to cave to Buckykatt666's pressure and use this unlimited time I have to update this journal. If a slighty more interesting topic comes to mind, Ill just add to this entry
Ok, lets see........
Canal Fest, the biggest gathering of White Trash in Western New York is happening this week. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I was there last night, and I cant say I can remember the last time that I was so disgusted by so many people at one time. Its just a horrible experience.
I cant get adjusted to normal time again. I couldnt fall asleep last night until about 430 and its 730 now and Im wide awake. This is definitely going to cause some problems if I dont readjust very soon.
Things with the girl are going great. She is something far beyond amazing. Despite the "rules" we set up at the beginning of our relationship we are spending almost every day together. I have no complaints about this at all. She has brightened my life more than I ever thought possible.
Sorry about the lameness, and randomness of this journal. I just had to cave to Buckykatt666's pressure and use this unlimited time I have to update this journal. If a slighty more interesting topic comes to mind, Ill just add to this entry

you should post some pics of you two
I finally had a good time on my weekend journey, about time after my depressing trips to Peterborough and London. I had a good time in Montreal, I saw EVIL DEAD the musical, it was fucking awesome man, I hope it comes to Toronto again so I can see it again. I'm gonna rent all 3 parts this week and then maybe Bubba Ho-Tep again.
You went to ANAL FEST? just kidding... What the fuck is Canal Fest?