Found some awesome new tunes today, you gotta be a bit eclectic though, Frou Frou (the group) and Imogen Heap (from out of Frou Frou).

Crazy shit has been happening to me recently, my 7 year relationship ended and i am surprisingly ok about it. It seems i had lost myself at some point, obviously the first two weeks or so i felt like dying,...
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Wow, my life has just taken the biggest u-turn ever, when you think you know exactly where you are life can just rip the rug right from under your feet. I will write about it when it's not so raw. Fate seems to have always dealt me a good deal though so i'm rolling with it at the moment. My business is still good http://www.pointnet.co.uk...
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ah I didn't find hot fuzz that fantastic :S

Heh Life is good at ripping the rug from under your feet, it's best to jsut dust yourself off and start walking again!
As for the sneezing i must just be special tongue