i miss jupitersunrise and refuse to take her off of my friends list..and my girl g_uptown is just that...my girl...so i don't have to pay no mind...
..do people customize their usernames on here so they can be at the top of people's lists?
...i want some lovin'...as in 'hot as an oven'..know what i'm sayin'...
oh and can i just say that mary's new set is the shit...i mean...first of all...can i get a motorcycle that looks like that please...and second of all...where the hell is she??!! like my worst nightmare and greatest fantasy all rolled into one man...
i'm going away soon...to my pop's farm...and the bike won't be ready until after...and then i'll be home for new year's so...i want to see the following people on new year's...:
irish -luck 'o' the
and maybe even
bombshellbetty, sweetcheeks, sweetpeas and daggers..and whomever else is in my general vicinity...
..but i'm being very ambitious here...
so..journals are fun...i can fuck off and not get punished...well...that's no fun!!
check it-like really cool-in san jose no less:

i came back a few times while i was gone, and i saw that you said you missed me so much.
and i missed you. and the site. and everything. it's in me now, i can't get rid of it.
for some reason i want to hide from people though. it's amazing how few people deleted me off their list, that makes me feel really really good.
i missed you. and now no more leaving the site. i hope.
do you like the tacos from the place across the street from SJSU? it's right near a really good tattoo shop that i am forgetting the name of. anyways, my brother always takes me there when i go to visit him.
you're too cool.