death by fire..death by jury..."justice" system strikes out...everybody watch yo selves...strike that...three strike it...
updated my top 5ers...the exclusive list gets even moreso once irish is up...
where only fashion and looks matter most...-my world-
louys's mind is the hottest...matters mostest...
beyond memory and habitual thought...fear and love and anticipation...
happy birthday cuz!! i can't believe you're 21!! wtf??!!
word to the wise: go to sophie and recognize
my news*: it's not fit to print
your news: is unknown to me
our news: live and love and fear and break yo'self
*talked to ex girlfriend and she's riding a motorcycle like me! shit she'll break her head bone for sure!! she won't spend new year's w/me because she's broke as a joke...she cyberkissed me!!! (previously reserved for day & irish)
my list for just today: birthday party at lanesplitter later
a gang a homework and i have
anxiety over more sg today! - done-
laundry -done!-
rock the body on bike/apparatus/etc -done!-
make some important calls -done-
drive to berkeley to be at my crew's
i am dispensable...and nothing like dolly parton...
updated my top 5ers...the exclusive list gets even moreso once irish is up...
where only fashion and looks matter most...-my world-
louys's mind is the hottest...matters mostest...
beyond memory and habitual thought...fear and love and anticipation...
happy birthday cuz!! i can't believe you're 21!! wtf??!!
word to the wise: go to sophie and recognize
my news*: it's not fit to print
your news: is unknown to me
our news: live and love and fear and break yo'self
*talked to ex girlfriend and she's riding a motorcycle like me! shit she'll break her head bone for sure!! she won't spend new year's w/me because she's broke as a joke...she cyberkissed me!!! (previously reserved for day & irish)
my list for just today: birthday party at lanesplitter later
a gang a homework and i have
anxiety over more sg today! - done-
laundry -done!-
rock the body on bike/apparatus/etc -done!-
make some important calls -done-
drive to berkeley to be at my crew's
i am dispensable...and nothing like dolly parton...
I didn't ask you to come pick me up
and yes I like horses .. looking at them HA!

No.... I don't
and about the through part -> Okay luv