blah, bleh
what's up with our nation? 3 million more popular votes? what big city sized populace is that? and why are we so divided? i'm voting for my rights next for true democracy (which doesn't work the way it should). 11 states banned gay marriage..greeeat.
i am feeling blah, bleh.
embrace thine enemy for their actions are reflective of yours. the reward lay in the good deed from day to day. and it is interconnected and therefore, this is your vote. this is the human voice speaking and if you don't like what you hear, then change it or deal man. the people of this country have really spoken and we are divided practically down the middle but it's more clear now than it was 4 years ago. so dedicate your life to change here in the that beacon of light and change. i'm getting preachy and really i'm not surprised in the least..we're humans people!!
fucking homo sapiens sapiens...just w/o the homo now because we're too fucking ignorant....
but on a lighter note...oakland looks clear and the world keeps turning. peace and love people above all else.
badger, mountain lion, otter-all inverted. time to get ta steppin'.

what's up with our nation? 3 million more popular votes? what big city sized populace is that? and why are we so divided? i'm voting for my rights next for true democracy (which doesn't work the way it should). 11 states banned gay marriage..greeeat.
i am feeling blah, bleh.
embrace thine enemy for their actions are reflective of yours. the reward lay in the good deed from day to day. and it is interconnected and therefore, this is your vote. this is the human voice speaking and if you don't like what you hear, then change it or deal man. the people of this country have really spoken and we are divided practically down the middle but it's more clear now than it was 4 years ago. so dedicate your life to change here in the that beacon of light and change. i'm getting preachy and really i'm not surprised in the least..we're humans people!!
fucking homo sapiens sapiens...just w/o the homo now because we're too fucking ignorant....
but on a lighter note...oakland looks clear and the world keeps turning. peace and love people above all else.
badger, mountain lion, otter-all inverted. time to get ta steppin'.
you are so funny, thanks for that comment!

I think God has sent down a clear message that we as people must be moral. Our actions must not deviate from that of our lord jesus crist in heaven. We must rise up from this filthy unmoralistic society and bomb more countries. Take away the rights of those which will not be considered equal. We must remove all dignity from the working poor and not provide them with proper medical assistance or health care. With God by our side we will starve little children. Women will be wth men. Yes my brothers and sisters we are walking with our father.....58 million people have spoken out and chossen our leader who truly exemplifys Gods way. Let us now bow are heads and remain that way for the next 4 years.....Amen.