is getting pretty prof has announced that assignments will now be due on Friday nights. I'm rushing to finish the one due today (yeah...she assigned it yesterday). It's pretty easy but I'm making it all neat so that the TAs will have an easy time. A bit hectic...but it's only just starting.
Betty and I are gonna go to a restarant's wierd because I know alllll these people who can't eat certain foods (Betty is not Evil Betty...another one of my friends who surprisingly can't eat the same things...just like a guy I know...and another girl I know) and I sit there and pig out. She cried for 4 hours last night until I forced her to go outside and she's still sad but not crying anymore. Gonna have to keep her outta depression. Today at school we went to the arcade (between classes) and she's been practicing at Virtual On cause it took me 6 games to figure out her weakness and then I was able to beat her once (I suspect she let me win).
ATB for those who are wondering...trance/dance music...mixed by one guy...he usually does new mixes but lately things are rather iffy. But he was at Mayday one of these recent years (I think).
Today I went to my local electronics's a fun place because the guy always has donuts for his frequent buyers and we stood around talking about the good old days of console gaming (when I was like 5 and they were in their 20's). But the donut was great and I found some Atari Lynx power supplies that were perfect.
Do you have a cell phone? (yes)
Have you taken any psych courses? (yes...need more though)
What type of pizza do you eat? (everything and anything)
Have you ever written an entire application just because you didn't like the way an office app worked? (yes...dammit...stupid powerpoint)
How long can you hold your breath? (not very long...sniff)
What are you? (nothing anymore...I can't do anything)
When and where was your first kiss? (gfs room...princess bride...)
0-4 Eggroll (mmmmm...)
5-7 Pooperscooper (mmmm....err....yuck)
8-15 Lumberjack (and I'm ok)
16-23 Buddy Holly
0315 (that's 3:15 am)...finally done assignment...this was interesting but not fun. Betty is doing this course next term so she's interested in my results...but I doubt she'd understand as she completely wasted right now and her breath smells like alcohol. Time to tuck her into bed (she's had enough food and water to keep her from throwing up) and time to hop over to the University and put it into the drop box (they just got a new electronic one that knows who handed what in and at what time so she (ze prof) insists on putting insane conditions on it...I wonder how I can bypass it).
Good night ya'll.
0731 (that's 7:31 am...dammit)
Had to swing by home cause mom wanted to clean out some old things for a garage sale and I wanted to save all my old things. About two minutes before I got there she slipped on the stairs and almost fainted (from the shock). Then my sister and dad started arguing because in tense situations they don't like to care about the person who's hurt (most people argue or do something to distract may be built it but I may not be completely right as I'm supposed to be sleeping about right now). She's all good now but she's gonna be hurting later on today and tomorrow.
What sane person wakes up at 6am on a saturday to sell old things? I asked my mom if this was normal life and she said yes. I will never wake up at 6 to put on a garage sale but I will wake up at 9 to goto one. This is not to say that I won't stay awake past 6 to goto a sale is better...Betty is still sleeping and probably will for the next 6 hours...but by the look on her hangover
Betty and I are gonna go to a restarant's wierd because I know alllll these people who can't eat certain foods (Betty is not Evil Betty...another one of my friends who surprisingly can't eat the same things...just like a guy I know...and another girl I know) and I sit there and pig out. She cried for 4 hours last night until I forced her to go outside and she's still sad but not crying anymore. Gonna have to keep her outta depression. Today at school we went to the arcade (between classes) and she's been practicing at Virtual On cause it took me 6 games to figure out her weakness and then I was able to beat her once (I suspect she let me win).
ATB for those who are wondering...trance/dance music...mixed by one guy...he usually does new mixes but lately things are rather iffy. But he was at Mayday one of these recent years (I think).
Today I went to my local electronics's a fun place because the guy always has donuts for his frequent buyers and we stood around talking about the good old days of console gaming (when I was like 5 and they were in their 20's). But the donut was great and I found some Atari Lynx power supplies that were perfect.
Do you have a cell phone? (yes)
Have you taken any psych courses? (yes...need more though)
What type of pizza do you eat? (everything and anything)
Have you ever written an entire application just because you didn't like the way an office app worked? (yes...dammit...stupid powerpoint)
How long can you hold your breath? (not very long...sniff)
What are you? (nothing anymore...I can't do anything)
When and where was your first kiss? (gfs room...princess bride...)
0-4 Eggroll (mmmmm...)
5-7 Pooperscooper (mmmm....err....yuck)
8-15 Lumberjack (and I'm ok)
16-23 Buddy Holly
0315 (that's 3:15 am)...finally done assignment...this was interesting but not fun. Betty is doing this course next term so she's interested in my results...but I doubt she'd understand as she completely wasted right now and her breath smells like alcohol. Time to tuck her into bed (she's had enough food and water to keep her from throwing up) and time to hop over to the University and put it into the drop box (they just got a new electronic one that knows who handed what in and at what time so she (ze prof) insists on putting insane conditions on it...I wonder how I can bypass it).
Good night ya'll.
0731 (that's 7:31 am...dammit)
Had to swing by home cause mom wanted to clean out some old things for a garage sale and I wanted to save all my old things. About two minutes before I got there she slipped on the stairs and almost fainted (from the shock). Then my sister and dad started arguing because in tense situations they don't like to care about the person who's hurt (most people argue or do something to distract may be built it but I may not be completely right as I'm supposed to be sleeping about right now). She's all good now but she's gonna be hurting later on today and tomorrow.
What sane person wakes up at 6am on a saturday to sell old things? I asked my mom if this was normal life and she said yes. I will never wake up at 6 to put on a garage sale but I will wake up at 9 to goto one. This is not to say that I won't stay awake past 6 to goto a sale is better...Betty is still sleeping and probably will for the next 6 hours...but by the look on her hangover
Psych: in high school. tried to figure myself out.
Pizza: can't eat pizza.
Breath: how long do you need me to?
What are you: a stone fox.
Bonus: on the lips.
i want to be Buddy Holly. except for that whole dying in a plane crash thing.
Can commisserate 'bout saving old things...constantly wag battle to save my's MY junk though!