"They are expanding Hethrow airport and they are going to build it over Staines."
*runs and relocates Staines*
it's soooo pretty outside...and I'm sitting here...why? because I care about you and not about my own pleasures and capitalization. who wants to party?
so what ya'll been up to?
what's with this pirate craze? just cause of a new icon? what about us who've...
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*runs and relocates Staines*
it's soooo pretty outside...and I'm sitting here...why? because I care about you and not about my own pleasures and capitalization. who wants to party?
so what ya'll been up to?
what's with this pirate craze? just cause of a new icon? what about us who've...
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yeah you really are confusing! Goin to see Deftones and Alkaline Trio in september, can't wait.......
Yeah, I wouldn't want you to go without your beauty sleep, bun-bun! 999,999,999??? :starts shakin in her boots:
who's a monkey...you are...you are...you're the wittle monkey...yes you are...goochie gooo...goochie goochie goo...awww...so sweeeeeet...
weekend...will be fun (hopefully)...there will be little sleep to be had by anybody (including me) but I will get lots of biking done
I keep breaking things left and right. My bike got run over by a truck...I say bike and not me because I was tumbling onto the road after...
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weekend...will be fun (hopefully)...there will be little sleep to be had by anybody (including me) but I will get lots of biking done

I keep breaking things left and right. My bike got run over by a truck...I say bike and not me because I was tumbling onto the road after...
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I didn't make it up! You're the one who asked if the costume made your butt look big! And I don't need money or fast cars to get the girls. I've got what they call ... charm! 

"I fart in your general direction!!!" Ha! Low calorie Pepsi?!? Shows what you know - you wouldn't know bodacious charm if it bit you right through that pirate costume of yours! Which, by the way, does make your butt look big. Hmmph. (And a very good night to you too!)
happy...it works...just one little thing to figure out...
I think after this works I will have accomplished what I've set out to do and I will go jump off a bridge.
Oh wait...I have a few more things to do...I think...they escape me but oh well...
I think after this works I will have accomplished what I've set out to do and I will go jump off a bridge.
Oh wait...I have a few more things to do...I think...they escape me but oh well...
I just read about your pirate expedition on Lake Ontario - that is the coolest thing I've ever heard! You should come out to Vancouver and we could have a pirate party on my friend's boat! Now that'd be fun! We could take prisoners and all that, too!
I wonder what the coast guard would have to say.
[Edited on Jul 11, 2003]
I wonder what the coast guard would have to say.

[Edited on Jul 11, 2003]
Hey you. quit talkin that shit..... no jumpin for you young lass... you gotta keep me informed on who is the shit in canada right now.. Just over a month til i work V festival!!!!! See the Foos finally........
Today I smell like a pine chips mixed in with hamster and a little bit of hamster poop. And I know how to get that scent. First I eat humus...with pita breads...then I run outside for an hour in the sun get really sweaty...then it rains lightly for 2 hours and bam...that smell.
I spent a bit of time at the arcade today but not...
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I spent a bit of time at the arcade today but not...
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interesting that you can achieve that smell in such a way... usually i have to eat pine chips and then rub a hamster on me... i think i'll try your method next time.

you smell like hamsters and i've had 2 dreams about pet rats in 2 days. (well nights are when i dream, but you get the point.) go rodent power.
what am i up to? planning movie night for tomorrow night. digital projector out on my deck, cold drinks, and monty python and the holy grail.
what am i up to? planning movie night for tomorrow night. digital projector out on my deck, cold drinks, and monty python and the holy grail.
tis over
she's still getting over her ex...sniff...

she's still getting over her ex...sniff...
Dude. She just didn't know sexy when she saw it.
Did you show it to her?
I'm sure she'd enjoy your rather large, pink...
bunny costume.
I mean really, who wouldn't?
Did you show it to her?
I'm sure she'd enjoy your rather large, pink...
bunny costume.
I mean really, who wouldn't?

Awww I sorry hunny. If I could bitch-slap her, I would, special for you.
hugs n'
hugs n'

me: 65
her: 63
she's good...very good...will update more when I get home...
w00t...we rocked the place...I started out easy on her but she started out hard and jumped to a 10-1 lead...but I fought back...and then she fought back...and then although we both said we both weren't keeping score she said I won 65-63 and that was correct...excellent...and then...we went for...
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me: 65
her: 63
she's good...very good...will update more when I get home...
w00t...we rocked the place...I started out easy on her but she started out hard and jumped to a 10-1 lead...but I fought back...and then she fought back...and then although we both said we both weren't keeping score she said I won 65-63 and that was correct...excellent...and then...we went for...
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Ah, you just want to hit on me because I'm a girl who wants to be a bionic pirate.
oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness...I got a call from a girl at a party a few nights ago (not the one last night) and we went for coffee tonight and we're going for arcade tomorrow afternoon...
update 5am:
Went for a walk with her. I'm up so I might as well give details. Ze lady I'm meeting up with was somebody...
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update 5am:
Went for a walk with her. I'm up so I might as well give details. Ze lady I'm meeting up with was somebody...
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grrr....you tiger! hope all goes well...take it easy on her, let her beat you once or twice, or else she'll never put out.
take care,
take care,
i just saw a thread wherein you made fun of my Goddess Alisa
you better be careful or i will send Too to smite thee

you better be careful or i will send Too to smite thee

he he he...Jury Duty...yet another good Paulie Shore movie...not as good as most of his others but still quite good.
So the debate continues...to sign posts with Superstar or not? I have one vote for against.
I'm pretty happy with all the stuff I've gotten done in the last week...things are goin good (and that thing I'd tell you about...they're doin pretty coo...just coo).
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So the debate continues...to sign posts with Superstar or not? I have one vote for against.
I'm pretty happy with all the stuff I've gotten done in the last week...things are goin good (and that thing I'd tell you about...they're doin pretty coo...just coo).
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Reading aint been yet and i couldn't get a ticket
Get to see Foo fighters and Feeder at V this yr and get paid for it tho! That makes me smile! x

Get to see Foo fighters and Feeder at V this yr and get paid for it tho! That makes me smile! x
Hmm. I think I enjoyed the first half of Jury Duty when it was drawing itself out as some strange parody of 12 Angry Men, but it kinda fell apart for me when they started to solve the crime. And I've never really been a fan of Andy Dick.
Alas, I won't be able to see if it's real. They were here from July 1-6, and I have plans for the 6th. Perhaps they'll come back.
Alas, I won't be able to see if it's real. They were here from July 1-6, and I have plans for the 6th. Perhaps they'll come back.
so...I watched Princess Bride today...again
I also watched Robin Hood Men in Tights...and then I followed it up with some Bean and the opening ceremonies to the 2000 games in Sydney...so the videos have been good...I took the geek test that was posted on the boards and I didn't score high at all...I guess that means I'm a programming geek rather than an obsessive geek....
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I also watched Robin Hood Men in Tights...and then I followed it up with some Bean and the opening ceremonies to the 2000 games in Sydney...so the videos have been good...I took the geek test that was posted on the boards and I didn't score high at all...I guess that means I'm a programming geek rather than an obsessive geek....
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Please don't sign your posts with "Superstar" too many bad memory's for me. I get made fun of everyday because of this. On 21st Birthday I watched the movie "Superstar" then went out and got really really drunk. Well there's apart in the movie where she makes out with a tree. Well I relived that part with a tree, stop sign, mailbox, telephone pole, and my personal fav. the sign in front of the police station that says Lima Police Department.
P.S. No you can't have my blind date. Unless I don't like her then she's all yours dude!!!
P.S. No you can't have my blind date. Unless I don't like her then she's all yours dude!!!
i'm back, so how are you?
my my my...what a day...what a day...we got the Olympics and I should finally get some sleep as I wasn't able to sleep...went to a friends house and we all sat up waiting for the Olympics...worldwide feeds were coming in and it was great...sooooo great.
I must now move there...MUST...I will also try to get a job there next summer as they're accepting applications starting...
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I must now move there...MUST...I will also try to get a job there next summer as they're accepting applications starting...
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i may have to go to a womens world cup match this year as they are playing a few games near me 

They did alot of test everything turned out normal (I'm not normal that can't be right). They said to keep my cut clean, call family doctor to have more test done but have someone keep an eye on me for the next couple days.
Oh god...I'm horrible...I solved two huge problems today. I will spare you the details as most of you care not and the others will just contact me and say something like: "d000000000d...that's sweeet"
Terminator 2 rules...I should go watch T3 soon...well, I'll find some other way to do that.
Today, I spent the entire day in other than going for like a 20 mile run...
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Terminator 2 rules...I should go watch T3 soon...well, I'll find some other way to do that.
Today, I spent the entire day in other than going for like a 20 mile run...
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Just call me Commander Murse! Think I should change my profile name?
Should call you the matchmaker eh? Or Geeky Max Matchmaker? Sounds like a superhero name eh?
Yes. sleep is VERY good.
Sorry, no, don't game online...have tried but I'm not very good...get killed very quickly.
Off to work...Cheers
Should call you the matchmaker eh? Or Geeky Max Matchmaker? Sounds like a superhero name eh?
Yes. sleep is VERY good.
Sorry, no, don't game online...have tried but I'm not very good...get killed very quickly.
Off to work...Cheers
As expected, had good sun and a great time spent in the park just relaxing, enjoying some great natural beauties, then onto the patios for a well earned beverage.
Fireworks were a bit crappy, well a lot crappy but stampede will make up for that. As for ultimate, had lots of invites but haven't ever played.
Fireworks were a bit crappy, well a lot crappy but stampede will make up for that. As for ultimate, had lots of invites but haven't ever played.
Vroom Vroom...squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel...
rrrrrrrrrr....rrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRR... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! vRRRRRRRRrRrRrRrrrrrr...rooorrrr...rrr...
4 days of coding...mmmm...delicious...not...I would like to command an army someday...it would be nice to see what kinda damage I could do. Course, it would have to be from the days when...lost train of thought.
Gaming gaming gaming...I'm such a geeeeeek...I may find out some very exciting news this week...fingers crossed...
Hope ya'll have a happy Canada Day
rrrrrrrrrr....rrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRR... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! vRRRRRRRRrRrRrRrrrrrr...rooorrrr...rrr...
4 days of coding...mmmm...delicious...not...I would like to command an army someday...it would be nice to see what kinda damage I could do. Course, it would have to be from the days when...lost train of thought.
Gaming gaming gaming...I'm such a geeeeeek...I may find out some very exciting news this week...fingers crossed...
Hope ya'll have a happy Canada Day

if the news is that you got a job and are moving out west in the fall then that is very exciting! if it's not, then, well....i don't care! no just kidding....what is it? i'm too curious for my own good.
Happy CanaDay!
Happy CanaDay!
He dove into shallow water...D'oh!
Commanding an army is a monumental undertaking...I've only commanded a Platoon and that's a hell of a lot of work.
Celebrate your geekiness!
Hope you had a great Canada Day! ( I slept...needed it)
Commanding an army is a monumental undertaking...I've only commanded a Platoon and that's a hell of a lot of work.
Celebrate your geekiness!
Hope you had a great Canada Day! ( I slept...needed it)