Been a pretty solid week for the most part. This past saturday I got to see a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a long time at a BBQ my friend Erin was having in celebration of buying a new home and I shot, skinned and gutted my first rabbit with my best friend, HeMightBeGiant and my gf, lovienomore (sorry vegans, I assure you their deaths were quick and we used as many parts of the animal as possible). The rabbits were my step mother's but those furry little bastards kept fucking and multiplying and she just wanted to get rid of them. We did end up letting a couple go. Funny part was when we put all the rabbits in a cage in my best friend's Outback they all started humping like crazy to the point where the car was vibrating.
Tuesday I hung out with one of my best friends, Seth, who had recently moved back from Buffalo and I got a crash course in crocheting... Go ahead and laugh now but i'll be the one laughing when I have a sweet scarf that I made myself and your neck's are cold this winter... you know unless you just go out and buy a scarf... then fuck you!
Wednesday I got rid of my old guitar since I rarely ever took the thing out and it was collecting dust and taking up space. I ended up trading it to a local music shop for some new harmonicas. Got a good starter Key of C and a sweet Hohner Special 20 Key Of F. I have been listening to a lot of James cotton lately and it's made me want to learn how to play blues harmonica. Plus, before I misplaced my old harmonica I was getting pretty good at figuring out the Mario Bros. theme song so I have to get back on that.
Today I got roped into babysitting my youngest sister for the night which I am not excited about at all. I would rather have a flaming 6 pack of hemorrhoids then deal with her princess complex but my father and step mother are splitting up and are at each others throats constantly so I am doing them a solid and blowing off my plans to hang my with best friend,who just got a sweet DEP job and wanted to celebrate, so they can get some time away from each other. Tonight is going to blow monkey balls. I hate going over to their house and I especially hate staying the night and having to sleep on the world's most uncomfortable couch.
The plus side to dealing with the bullshit tonight is that I am getting paid and since I am still unemployed I can use the quick scratch. Tomorrow should be better. Driving down to stay at my gf's for the rest of the weekend and possibly going to the Big E. I just hope she doesn't mind me humping her leg in the middle of the night. I don't know what is going on this week but I am an especially horny fellow and daddy needs him some lovin'.
Here be some pics from last weekend.

No worries the baby bunny is safe

Seth being goofy

And these just because they're funny.

Tuesday I hung out with one of my best friends, Seth, who had recently moved back from Buffalo and I got a crash course in crocheting... Go ahead and laugh now but i'll be the one laughing when I have a sweet scarf that I made myself and your neck's are cold this winter... you know unless you just go out and buy a scarf... then fuck you!
Wednesday I got rid of my old guitar since I rarely ever took the thing out and it was collecting dust and taking up space. I ended up trading it to a local music shop for some new harmonicas. Got a good starter Key of C and a sweet Hohner Special 20 Key Of F. I have been listening to a lot of James cotton lately and it's made me want to learn how to play blues harmonica. Plus, before I misplaced my old harmonica I was getting pretty good at figuring out the Mario Bros. theme song so I have to get back on that.
Today I got roped into babysitting my youngest sister for the night which I am not excited about at all. I would rather have a flaming 6 pack of hemorrhoids then deal with her princess complex but my father and step mother are splitting up and are at each others throats constantly so I am doing them a solid and blowing off my plans to hang my with best friend,who just got a sweet DEP job and wanted to celebrate, so they can get some time away from each other. Tonight is going to blow monkey balls. I hate going over to their house and I especially hate staying the night and having to sleep on the world's most uncomfortable couch.
The plus side to dealing with the bullshit tonight is that I am getting paid and since I am still unemployed I can use the quick scratch. Tomorrow should be better. Driving down to stay at my gf's for the rest of the weekend and possibly going to the Big E. I just hope she doesn't mind me humping her leg in the middle of the night. I don't know what is going on this week but I am an especially horny fellow and daddy needs him some lovin'.

Here be some pics from last weekend.

No worries the baby bunny is safe

Seth being goofy

And these just because they're funny.

thanks for the add! yummy bunny
I'm glad you didn't post pictures of you skinning it though...

buffalo eh? i come from the buffalo.. im in the buffalo... fuck my life... rabbits, they do this thing where they cannot resist each other. i would much rather be primal as such, than emotional retards. commence vehicle vibrations!