ho Hum... Me and Suzi are in jersey in the channel Islands this week. Just catching up with my parents and meeting up with old freinds...

... doesn't stop the place being a shithole though.

We brought over some pills and as a consequence I'm writing this on Suzi's Parents computer and I'm really battered.
pills at your girls mum`s house?

You nutter. lol.
I've come up with a theory that doctors send you for blood tests because if they stick you with sharp objects maybe then you'll leave them alone...

going to ARA tomorrow, a goth night in a church, we're having an informal competition to see who can have sex there first. smile
You were trying to have SEX there?
Jeez, I'm glad I wasn't aware of THAT going on!

lol, anyhow i've already got the church box (not @ ARA)
ticked on that front... What can I say wink
I've come up with a theory that doctors send you for blood tests because if they stick you with sharp objects mabyre then you'll leave them alone...

going to ARA tomorrow, a goth night in a church, we're having an informal competion to see who can have sex there first.
hmm another 2 months another jounrnal entry...

my best freind from jersey came over this weekend and we spent from thursday to tuesday partying. I don't get to see him enough and I'm still riding high from seeing him. I felt so good that I've put up some cool pictures of suzi for everyone...
Suzi -- you are soo HOT!! I'm in love with your long hair. love

Bill--You are a lucky man ARRR!!!

[Edited on Mar 11, 2004 3:34PM]
hmmm new years resolution... update journal more

took toooo many mushrooms on my birthday (which by some really bad timing on my parents part is on new years eve) and as a result had horrible nightmares. Half my, then, freinds decided to have a party somewhere else as I don't seem to be worth the effort of crossing town for.
Hahaha! at least you didn't smoke them!!
Hey Suzi -- your a hottie, get some more pictures
gosh... has it been that long since I updated my journal

old age youy know

went out on friday took loads of drugs, danced like a madman and lost my sunglasses. the sun has been shining aoll week to mock me.

on saturday took some acid and stared at my ceiling all day

work on sunday still feeling wobbly

then followed the rest of the...
Read More
hey you, nice to meet you at last! will prob be up again in a couple of weeks biggrin
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!!!!! This is my second week I've not been out and I'm going mad.

What will Rockworld do without me???

People will have forgotten what I look like!!!!

and I've not had any drugs in TWO WEEKS.

I love self-indulgent rants but don't think this makes me a bad person...
... thats probably everiything else.
i didnt go in the end either - everyone dropped out at the last minute due to being poor! frown

maybe in a couple of weeks!
should be goin on the 19th - 2 friend's birthdays so i cant really miss it biggrin
You know I read that damn faq until my eyes hurt.

And I had to miss one vital point.

Oh well one blur of activity later and i'm back on the straight and narrow.

Deeply sorry if I offended anyone... frown
well all the Infest induce hallucinations seem to have passed, but not before screaming at each other and bursting in to tears.

Still now the airs cleared and all is good.

Suzi's mum is coming over from jersey eeek.So we're on our best behaviour.no drugs porn or kinky sex all weekend frown.

Also got the email saying we were in SGUK smile
i'm not in Manchester yet but will be soon
i'm just newbie-ing all over the shoppe
that's all!
that's a point, you might wanna check the FAQ - as far as I know it's one person per account.

small world indeed...there is a picky pf PJ and Nick in my candids from Infest. I'll probably be in Jilly's this Friday to meet up with people.

we went to infest in Bradford, did far too much acid and met our first suicide girl!!!

she was http://suicidegirls.com/girls/Asha and she looked great.

we also took in total 15 trips. still a bit addled reading this

Not planning to head down to london just yet.. You definitely look familiar.. maybe a pint in the nags head or the mitre is in order? what d'ya say? Anyway, just got back to lovely salford (no, really!) and sleep is the order of the day, now.. See you both soon! xx @_@ v78
Nick with flashy lights tshirts Nick?? He's my Jilly's dancing buddy!!

I'll probably be in Jilly's next Friday biggrin