i can't wait til hockey season starts. i'm broke from paying off my season tickets but it'll be worth it. i need it to get my mind off things. going to the arena and watching games is an escape for me, even if it's only for a few hours. at least it's something for me to look forward to.
Thanks for the comment on my Lunch Lady set! kiss

i got a lot of shit on my mind and it's been brewing inside of me for a while. i think if i let it out and stand up for myself, it will make matters even worse but i'm real tired of being fucked over.
Always nice to meet another Rangers fan. Hope things work out for you and get better. Getting fucked over always sucks.
"Pick my teeth back up and crawl
Back to my feet and stand"


I can't wait to get my life back on track.
I hope I like my new job.
I hope I make enough money to survive.
I'm stressing out about finding a decent place to live.
I miss the love of my life terribly.
She's all i think about.
I can't help...
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i hate my life right now. i have screwed up the best thing that's ever happened to me and i don't know if it will ever end up being the same again.
That sounds pretty bleak. What happen?
so i finally have a new job which is cool but...i'm not sure it's going to make me completely happy. sure i'll be making more money but it's not going to matter. it's just money. there's only one thing that truly matters to me and i'm not exactly sure how it's going to turn out. all i can do is wait and hope for the...
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my life is so uneventful that there really is no purpose to write blogs. who would really care?