In response to my comments on the group MASTURBATION
To al my friends that got so freaked out about my experiencies in masturbation; let me tell you that after several opinions about how TABU that was, It was A Higher number of people that tell me they experienced similar to mine and en different situations when young had sex with very close members of the family like cousins, nieces, sisters, brothers, even one girl said that she masturbated and her father was watching she find out later when her father told her to be more carefull and to lock her room, One other friend got into a accident and burned both hands and during the recuperation time his mother help him one time to relieve his needs he was 17 at the time. SO when people open up you know you are not alone and please forgive me all of you that got OFFENDED.
To al my friends that got so freaked out about my experiencies in masturbation; let me tell you that after several opinions about how TABU that was, It was A Higher number of people that tell me they experienced similar to mine and en different situations when young had sex with very close members of the family like cousins, nieces, sisters, brothers, even one girl said that she masturbated and her father was watching she find out later when her father told her to be more carefull and to lock her room, One other friend got into a accident and burned both hands and during the recuperation time his mother help him one time to relieve his needs he was 17 at the time. SO when people open up you know you are not alone and please forgive me all of you that got OFFENDED.
Hope you enjoy the site, sexy lady-