Well, my first board post was a complete disaster. I had no idea that there were people like that on this site but then again, I guess there are assuming assholes everywhere. Whats so taboo about sex anyway, this site is full of naked women and sexual expression. I guess I just expected alittle more from the members of this site.

i read about 2 pages, then got bored.....eh, so what is up with greasy hair?
im sure youll fit in here somewhere. after being on this site, i found my own little niche, as has everyone else im sure youll figure it out
so not trying to make a bad experience of it, some people will bash you, because your new, dont let it bother you, just tel them to go fuck off and whatever.
whats your fav cartoon?
haha i just thought if your 5ft im like way biger than you, almost like 2.5 of you. i could fold you up and put you in my pocket. hahah