Watched out New Jersey. Here we come, we will be out there for a week in Long Beach what the hell is there to do out there? On the upside I have never taken a vacation so this should be fun and I am looking forward to getting drunk on the b
ack but there has to be something to do in Atlantic City...
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any thoughts or ideas on a good starting point for a design of a tattoo? I want a Phoenix, I have wanted one for years, I just cant seem to get the right image on paper of what I am looking for, it doesn't help that I am not artistic at all. I am going to be covering a tattoo with the Phoenix. 

I love BOOBS
So its been a while since I have posted anything and unfortunately I have nothing positive to post. I lost my father to cancer on Oct 20th and his service is tomorrow. Its going to be a really conflicting/sad/angry/weird day. My father and I were not always close and we had our fights but in the end we loved each other and he was always...
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Im so sorry to hear about your father, I hope you have a lovely service and send him off with some nice memories x
Thank you for your comment. I hope its a great service as well, he really deserves it.
Saw Zombie Land on opening night, it was a blast. I am thinking about doing the open mic night at Comedy Works here in Denver Other than that, not much has changed, father is still dying the family is fighting like mad and everyone is on edge. Few things keep my head level, like being busier then shit at work and the Marc Maron podcast,...
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Fuck Cancer!!!!!
For those of you that do not know the joy of having a manic in your life, let me tell you it is really fun half the time.
It really does have its ups and downs and sometimes its scary as hell.
For those of you that do have a manic, I can recommend some good books to help better understand the hell we live...
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It really does have its ups and downs and sometimes its scary as hell.
For those of you that do have a manic, I can recommend some good books to help better understand the hell we live...
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Thanks, its me, so were screwed. Lol. Just hit a low this weekend, but its getting to be less frequent so thats good. Its been a few months may be a year. Thankfully none of my friends really know that part of my life, I hide well
Thanks! I really appreciate it
I'm really excited about how things are going with everything, so hopefully it all (Or at least most of it) works out!

Not sure if I can do it anymore. I have been so blessed in my life, great friends, descent health (okay thats a stretch) pretty smart when I want to be, funny as why I am feeling like I can not do it anymore. My grades have gone to shit, i owe the school a lot of money, I had to file a BK...
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Hope things get better for you soon!

Hope things get better for you soon!
Holy balls, got wasted last night at the 80's bar crawl, slept on the sidewalk somewhere in Denver, lost my phone there is more stories coming in of the fun and funny shit I did last night I love it.
Now I am hung over and horny as hell.
Now I am hung over and horny as hell.
lol hung over and horny horrible combo
I know its so conflicting. It always happen though.
Heading Downtown for an 80's Bar Crawl!! Should be interesting since everyone there is my age and we are not 80's kids. Oh well drinking is drinking and what is better than hanging out with friends.
The Tattoo and Body Piercing Expo is in town, so I am hitting that up tomorrow. Anyone in the Denver area want to meet up?
The Tattoo and Body Piercing Expo is in town, so I am hitting that up tomorrow. Anyone in the Denver area want to meet up?
lol I love the 80's and your right drinking is drinking
Whos is ready for a drink, I am buying!!
What a wonderful Sunday. Its hot out, sunny is shining got all my chores done, have been spending time with my boy Tyson(my doggy) and heading the a blues and BBQ benefit for the habitat for humanity, then to an open blues jam with some great friends. Hopefully I dont puss out and I get up on the stage.
I hope everyone is having a...
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I hope everyone is having a...
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