A little backstory, I work at a bar on the weekends. I’ve worked here for years and we always get new staff. A day girl got hired and just recently within the past year got put on nights that I work. We became friends and I truly enjoy her company. Then she gets a boyfriend which is what it is. Me like I’m sure most guys just assume that a beautiful woman is already in a relationship. Well I started dropping her off at home after work like I do for any coworker that’s had to much to drink. Her case is slightly different because she doesn’t have a license. Well over the past few months we started going to breakfast before I drop her off. We always switch off with who pays. Last night was the same as every Friday night with one small exception. She’s staring at me with the cutest smile and she keeps saying I got to tell you something, and then stopping. Finally she works up the courage and says that she’s been having dreams about me. It took me a minute to process what I heard. I couldn’t see my face but I’m sure I was blushing, the only response I could even come up with was “I hope I was a gentleman”. She giggled and said of course. I’ve never had a women let alone a breathtakingly beautiful woman admit something like that to me. It was honestly the best boost I’ve gotten to my confidence in a long while. Now as is my lot in life I can do nothing about it. She is still dating someone, maybe someday we will be in a position to give it a go. Either way it’s nice to know that I’ve made such a positive impression.