This book is about two meth addicts that get caught in a zombie apocalypse. They start out smoking the last bit of meth that they have when Chase the books main character hears a little girl giggling. He looks out the window to see a little girl laughing at a big dog. Chase realizes that the dog is afraid of this little girl, and then she attacks. At first they believe the little girl that is eating a dog on their lawn is just them having a bad trip. But it's all to real when she turns to them after hearing their screams.
The little girl ends up making her way into the house as chase and type run and hide from what they still believe to be a bad hallucination. Type ends up killing the little girl with a typewriter of all things. Now they believe that they have just killed a harmless little girl, and they start playing out the newspaper headlines and court case in their heads. They decide to torch the house and flee.
While on the run they notice more of the walking dead roaming the streets. They start to realize that she wasn't a bad dream. These zombies or chucks as they call them, because they chuckle when prey is close are all to real. They make their way to chase's ex girlfriends house after he receives a call from her saying that she is in need of help. After a stop at the local gun store they pick her up and head to their dealers place in the woods.
By this time they realize that the only people that are still unaffected are users. They make it to the dealers house finally and they soon find out they aren't the only ones who have this idea. Others show up to steal all the drugs and a gunfight ensues. Chase, kk (chases ex), and type barely escape with their lives. Things just keep getting worse for them as time goes by.
That all load up and head to another dealer they know only to be overrun by chucks once again. Before the last hope of a dealer dies he tells them he heard the county lockup is still cooking meth. So the journey continues on to find a cook so they can survive. While driving they run into a huge group of chucks causing them to wreck and have to abandon the vehicle and run for it. Type gets bit and chase and kk have to carry him to a watershed they see in the distance. They notice that he is starting to turn and they immediately start shooting him up, one dose after another.
Type pulls through and when morning arrives they run to the jail with chucks in tow. As they are pounding on the locked door it seems that all hope is lost, the chucks are mere feet away. Kk starts shooting at the door one shot after another trying to get in with no luck. Suddenly another door flies open and they are pulled inside. When inside they find three more survivors who were locked up on various charges. Once they see the setup, hope fills them up. That maybe they will make it after all. As the days pass they realize that this isn't going to last as the chucks are making the holes in the door bigger and bigger.
The morning they decide to depart type and one of the inmates decide to steal the dope and the lab and leave everyone to die. Chase catches them in the act and bashes the inmates head open and tells type that he will forgive him but they must blame everything on the inmate. The others are woken by the noise and come to see what is going on. It's at this time they decide to leave instantly. As they make their way through the jail chucks are picking them off one by one until there are only three. Chase, kk, and the jail's drug cook are the final survivors. The cook breaks his leg during a jump down an elevator shaft to escape some chucks they have encountered. He realizes that he won't make it any further when he sees his bone sticking out of his skin and decides to take his life. Now all that remains is chase and kk, they reach the exit of the jail finally. They are all alone staring at the exit sign.
Kk looks to chase and starts crying uncontrollably saying we can't live like this, we can't keep running trying to find a fix. Chase try's to reason with her and she pretends to agree with him. As the door opens and they can see the sun chase runs through and kk slams the door behind him.he turns to embrace her but she is inside crying saying" I can't go,I can't live like this anymore". Fade to black, the end.
Here's your book report @chefbeth 🙄