I had to go down to boca raton and finish up a job today and my boss gave me a helper and a plumber. I thought to myself hell yeah, I got a good helper and another plumber this is going to be a great day. The helper I was given was awesome. I even called the boss and told him he needs to give him a raise. The plumber on the other hand sucked, he kept coming up to me and asking rookie questions. This plumber is thirty plus years my senior and has at least that many years of plumbing experience. It took him five hours to set a toilet and install a faucet. I have rule for myself that I don't yell at my coworkers, and I broke that rule today. I lost it on this old man today. I screamed at the top of my lungs that I don't give a shit how you used to do it, do it the fucking way I tell you or you're fired. He looked like he wanted to hit me and I was wishing he had. Then he started to tell me he was a master plumber and he has forgotten more than I know. I've never wanted to kick the living shit out of someone so bad in my life. I held back though, I showed restraint, my therapist calls that progress. So when I called my boss and told him to give the helper a raise, which I've never said because every helper I've ever had wasn't worth it. I told my boss he needs to fire this soft headed tit of a plumber. My boss asked if it was really that bad and it was. I can only hope that he takes me seriously and does something about this guy. I also hope he gives that helper a couple of dollars more an hour because he really deserves it. That's my rant for today thanks for letting me vent.
Wow what a moron! I wonder how he has skid by all these years being so bad at his job, maybe pawning it off on other people? He sounds like the type to have other people do the work for him and then take the credit. My parents made a half bath in an old house when i was a kid and neither of them are plumbers and they did a good job, so there is no excuse for this "master plumber" to be so shitty.... and then get offended when someone calls him on it.
@colchine plumbing definitely isn't rocket science, but to this guy it was. I told my boss how I felt about the guy and what he does from there is up to him. I know that I will never work with him again.