At last, at last, I've finally come out of the wood work! (Or off of the couch...however you want to see it.) Anyway, first and foremost I want to thank all of my friends for your caring comments. They really made my day. I hopefully will be around a little more often now that my first tri is officially over & I'm gaining back a little bit more energy, (one spurt at a time).
I've missed you all so much. I can't tell you how guilty I've felt over not being able to come on here, & want to make sure you all know that you were never forgotten.
Seeing as I've spent the last few months doing practically nothing but laying down, there really isn't that much more to tell. So.......I'd really like to hear what you all have been up to & hope that life's been treating you well. I've missed you!!!
I've missed you all so much. I can't tell you how guilty I've felt over not being able to come on here, & want to make sure you all know that you were never forgotten.
Seeing as I've spent the last few months doing practically nothing but laying down, there really isn't that much more to tell. So.......I'd really like to hear what you all have been up to & hope that life's been treating you well. I've missed you!!!

you are such a tease. . . you say hi an dget every one all excited then you disappear again!

thinking of you....and miss you...hope all is well