So what if I'm turned on by women...Does that really make me anything???
I am a wife, mother, child, daughter, sister, neighbor, lover, hater,
a wild orchid & sedate lily
I step backward when I think I'm moving forward,
& forward when I know I've fallen back,
Admitting it doesn't change who I am,
it merely allows me to be a truer me...
If not to anyone but myself.
(ramblings in my head)
I am a wife, mother, child, daughter, sister, neighbor, lover, hater,
a wild orchid & sedate lily
I step backward when I think I'm moving forward,
& forward when I know I've fallen back,
Admitting it doesn't change who I am,
it merely allows me to be a truer me...
If not to anyone but myself.
(ramblings in my head)
nah it's a psecial surgery i get smarter with each tooth they remove, i'm gaining wisdom x 4!