Hey Girls-

Just a brief update on how wonderful my life is now....went on my date on Sat....great guy, but not too much chemistry....we have loads in common so in the least, I've made myself a friend to do stuff with up here that my other friends aren't really into (which is what I've wanted).

AND.......fate has reconnected me with a blast from the past....
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It is wonderful to see that you have regained your happiness sweetie--And the ability to be the kind of mother you know you are--I understand how horrible it was to live the way you did--:HUGS:--Clarity and confidence are inspiring feelings and obviosly it has shown as you have made so many friends at work-Like Atlas shrugging huh?-Just from the few blogs of yours I have read my intuition tells me you are one of those few and far between beautiful souls--I wish you all the luck and goodness the world can offer--And yes always love your life--It is the only one we have on this place...If I am not being to nosy (and you can smack me if I am lol) where do you live--Your profile says you love to hike and camp and I am curious where--I grew up in NM and adored the outdoors--Mountains and the smell of pine trees bring me the few moments of peace I have found so far--But anyways I hope you and your boys are well--Take care sweetie kiss

I mourned the loss of a love once known....
Now celebrate the joy of a life regained....

(My new mantra.)

I'm going on my first "date" in over 10 years, on Saturday. Here's hoping I don't make a complete ass out of myself. eeek
Awww sweetie I doubt you will make an ass out of yourself--Besides if the person your going out with has a problem with you being a little nervous then probably they are someone you wouldn't want to date anyways-And it is good to see that despite everything your already back out there and I wish you all the luck in the world--Besides I'm sure you will be a hit with whomever you choose to date--Take care and always remember that you deserve the best--10 years or not has not made you less worthy.

What a hell to go through. I am so proud of you for going through with moving on. That could not have been easy to do! It's so important for you and your kids to get on with things. I do hope he is able to get help so that he can re-enter the kids lives. I can't wait to hear how your date went. Please give an update soon. So glad you wrote. kiss
Wow, I feel like a virgin all over again....

I have no idea if I'm doing it right....

I guess we'll find out when I'm done.

Like sex, the first time's meant for testing the waters.

Always a bit awkward.
You're here!!! I'm so happy. I check you blog every once in a while hoping to see a new note. Hope that all is well. Let me know when you have time to chat. kiss
i could never be mad at you ... although i definately think you need to get your cute butt on here more kiss
Well, its officially been awhile since my previous update, and yet again, I'm sorry. I really don't mean to be neglectful & I appreciate those of you who have not dumped me along the way. Its so difficult to find any alone time when school's out. Hopefully that shall change next week....but then again, who am I kidding....once this baby's born I probably won't have...
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i'm assuming that you had your lovely little one by now and that everything is wonderful ... hopefully someday you will return to us because we miss you ... kiss

When are you coming back! I miss you!!!!

kiss kiss kiss
Updating just to prove that I was here. My brain is currently mush.....tooooooo much sugar....... I can't focus long enough to figure out what to say.....Waffles smothered in peanut butter, chocolate chips & syrup at 10 pm may not have been the smartest thing, but mmmmm good. (I guess there is a reason I've gained so frickin much already.)

So la di da da da.....&...
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I hope all is well... I know you've got bigger things going on in real life but keep me posted on that baby when you get back!!!

i miss you!!!! how are things?
Summertime.....and the livin's easy........

So far this summer's been pretty chaotic. I now know why my parents always looked so forward to school starting in the fall. I have not had one minute to myself since school has been out. My nine year old's social life is killing me! Baseball, soccer, & friends friends friends! Besides the heat & humidity, it doesn't feel like summer...
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love your profile pic love it's neat...
You do have my symphaties on the cruelties of beeing a parent during summer-times... mine is nine too and she's soooo booored all the time... no matter if my gazoline-expences are skyhigh for the moment - there must be some more action going on other places, daddy... surreal

wish you a great pregnancy, looks like you feel well and enjoy it - remember it was a beautiful time for us as well, though, it seems looong, looong ago... still remember... uuhhhmmm... she's looking gorgeous with that round belly of hers... ahhh... tits too.... yeah, ahhmm, back to work blush

Take care and enjoy yourselfs
AINE!!!! kiss kiss kiss

so glad that you haven't disappeared....i'm sure you look beautiful pregnant....how could you not wink

new york was wonderful....back home at my parents for another two weeks and then i go back to Las Vegas ...summer is almost over frown

problem with the boy...the short version....he told me that he loves me but that he hates himself so much that the thought of being with someone who he cares about who actually cares about him is horrifying because he can't understand why anyone would want to be with him.... and that he says it wont work out because i will end up leaving him ... and i don't think he means in the going back to las vegas sense....so....i'm depressed about that because i feel in a perpetual state of limbo but unable to do anything about it .....blah.....

but..i am very glad to hear that you are doing well.... kiss
At last, at last, I've finally come out of the wood work! (Or off of the couch...however you want to see it.) Anyway, first and foremost I want to thank all of my friends for your caring comments. They really made my day. I hopefully will be around a little more often now that my first tri is officially over & I'm gaining back a...
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you are such a tease. . . you say hi an dget every one all excited then you disappear again!

thinking of you....and miss you...hope all is well kiss
So, I'm back....well at least for today. I apologize to everyone for being a little slow on the updates. I've been falling asleep at every quiet moment, which is usually what I devote to computer time.

My last Dr. appt. went well. They did an internal ultrasound & found a heartbeat, so I can breath a little easier. I'm going in again tomorrow for another...
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This is quite belated, but I wanted to thank you for your sweet comments! I'm almost into my third trimester now and feeling so much better, though i expect the aches and tiredness to return before too long.

I really appreciate your support and positivity!

Thanks again smile kiss
frown i miss you! hope you are well!

I had a test done through the ob today. (They won't let you make an appt. until you pee for them.) Guess what everyone.....I'm pregnant!!!! So they allowed me to schedule an appt....tried to make me wait another month....but I pulled out the ole "My Dr. said she wants me in early this time" (which she actually did.) So now I get to go on...
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miss you....hope everything is ok kiss
I thought I had morning sickness yesterday..turns out it was a hangover..so i'm not pregnant.
Another party, another success. THANK GOD I'm done for another year!!!! Nine, 9 year olds, four pizzas, two adults, one 2 year old, & one hot, hot pool........the big smile on my ETree's face, priceless.

I AM SPENT!!! I think it was the heat more than anything. The kids were well behaved for the most part.

So I'm just a wee bit irritable now &...
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I wouldn't even worry about somebody that treats others that way, no matter what has happened to them or what medications they are on to keep themselves from ax-murdering the world. skull I have dealt with many people like that and I gave up on each and every one of them because all they can do is play victim. Plus I hate people that feel like the world revolves around them, I don't like to be judgemental but those people should never ever have children because the parent can't learn to pay attention to someone else and the child grows up ignored.

Obviously no one is going to care if you rant, that was my mini rant for the day. . . smile

My day is better to day and thank you for the thoughts.

That sucks. I hate it when I allow toxic friends to affect me... just remember that she is only making herself miserable. You should just remember that you are not the cause of the drama and maybe someday she'll mature enough to be able to be a true friend for the sake of your kids.
