Another short 3 day work week then head up north for a great camping weekend with some good people. Looking forward to it. Just need to get food and beer then will be all set
After a month of my car leaking antifreeze, finnaly put in the water pump and had to put a serpentine belt on also, just in time for driving it four hundred miles for fourth of july weekend camping with my awesome friends. Hopefully I won't have to fix it for awhile. (fingers and toes crossed) Need to last at least another couple of years before...
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Thinking mother nature should go and cry somewhere else. Getting tired of this rain. She better not pull this next weekened for the fourth of july, would like one camping trip where it does not rain once. If you would be so kind mother nature and do that for me I would love you forever.

Sincerely yours..smile
I kind of love the rain..it means I don't have to water the garden smile

but, I wanted to thank you for the comment on "Au"
I appreciate it
So goes another father's day without mine. Should try and find time someday to go to the cemetary.
So looking forward to this weekend. my friend kari's birthday is this saturday, Gonna go watch the hangover 2. Hoping it's just as funny as the first one. And gonna go and get some quailty patio time over at psycho suzis motor lounge,Love that placesmile. Rum,rum and more rum. Maybe get a couple more tiki mugs.
These past two days have been hot and muggy. Today was the hottest day in twenty three or so years, 101 degrees Called in sick these two days cause did not want to work in it, feel bad about it becuse the next paycheck is gonna suck. Oh well!!!
Feeling lazy the past month or so. I know it's very stressful at work with the new position I'm at. But should try and not let it effect everybody I love. I should go and visit my mom, have not seen her in more than a month. Every time I think about going over there I find my self not wanting to,just making excuses not...
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Three days of work this week and a nice long weekend, decided on going camping for memorial weekend Really need to get away from life for a bit. Love nature and spending it with good friends,drinking, playing games,take a little hike in the forest, sleeping in a tent in the crisp night air, sitting by the campfire just bullshitting away, no cares in the world...
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Another boring saturday night, only have myself to blame. Was suppose to go to this fundraiser and then party with friends which are more of my room mates friends than mine just seems i hang with them when my room mate is hanging with them. Makes me feel out of place,everytime I ask them what they are doing they always seem have other plans. Was...
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