Wishing everybody a happy new year. If you are gonna be drinking tonight don't drive, I know I have a couch with my name on it at my friends house. Kinda had a blah year, had a couple cool camping trips but other than that nothing to exciting. Had to fix a few things on my car but what can you expect for having 200,000 miles on it. Got a promotion at work to dock lead that lasted for about two months then got demoted back to just being a dock worker because of my attitude about how I dealt with things. Well yeah I have been there almost eleven years trying to do everything the way it needs to be done and all the other guys i work with really don't give a fuck. Oh well my work ethic should speak volumes. Its a good company to work for but just some of the people need to get the fucking boot.
I like these pics cause they make me chuckle

I like these pics cause they make me chuckle