Ever feel that you just do not want to deal with anyone? For the past couple of days I have been in one of those moods were I just want to stay in my bedroom and crank music and just not deal with life for awhile.whatever
Should really be going to bed but I have put cleaning my bedroom off for the past two months. Gonna see if i can get a new tattoo this Thursday or Friday. Wanted to take a couple days off in June so i could go disc golfing and just chill out but someone already requested them two days.
What a way to start off may. Ten inches of wet snow where I work and half way home not even a drop of rain. Was nice and 70 degrees over the weekend and then back to being cold for a couple days. UGH! Had a week off of work a month ago, think I need another one pretty soon. Past two weeks its been...
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Thank for your support on my set smile
is summer already here miao!! thank you for all your love, tu amor siempre es bienvenido
Beginning to hate google play music. Seems like every day it is taking all my storage space and have to clear it.
Company meeting from 9-4 today. Not required to go but get payed for going. Was planning to go but now don't really feel like it.
awww! hi ...Thanks for supporting my new set Irresistible Pastime makes me very happy!
kisses for you !! muaaaaaaa
Have gotta stop going to the casino when I have bills to pay. Blew over four hundred dollars, now have to wait two weeks to pay my rent.
thank you for your love in my set!! <3
Thank you kiss
Would just rather work over Christmas than have the 2 days off. Have not celebrated Christmas for over twenty years. It is just another day to me.
One more night of work this week then a mini vaca. Gonna hang with my sister at the farm and chillsmile. Probably will be put to work but would rather help family foe free than get paid at my job. One of my coworkers sister killed herself this weekend sorry to hear that budfrown
Miss having my laptop but have to wait for another week until I get paid to get it back from the pawn shop.
Finally gonna go and vote for the first time in my life today.
We have one on the ballot in Minnesota that they want to make law that marriage should be one man one woman. Gonna vote no.
Ha, here, in russia, we've given a present, when we vote at the 1st time. =)