Here at work we've been watching the first season of 24 during lunch breaks. I've never really been into television, with the exception of some HBO shows and Family Guy, but ill have to say i got pretty hooked. It does a great job of grabbing you, keeping you interested in whats going to happen next etc. Its also cool to see Keifer in action since he is going to be in the movie my company will be producing this summer, good times. Ahh Kiefer, GRAVITAS (for anyone who watched that moron James Lipton interview Mr. Sutherland).
I like Kiefer Sutherland. He had a lot to live up to following his father into the business, and he carved out his own spot. I generally have liked all the 24 series, although they require a bit more suspension of disbelief than I would like.
someone mentioned it on here when i got my hair cut, when i first joined. i don't think i do...i think it's the hair. but she is very pretty, so if i did look like her i doubt i'd complain!