I had a great weekend, Went to San diego, "which is actually german for , a whales vagina" all weekend, with my best friend. ill probably be there next weekend too, which is great.
Friday we had a bonfire party, it was alright, although i offended two girls that were there twords the end of the night with my morbid sense of humor ("lets make like a coat-hanger"). Then we went to LAZERTAG
which i havent done since i was like, seriously, in highschool.
Oh yeah ... S><E
((( i had to edit this post because it wasnt colourful enough))
I surfed for a couple hours saturday, which was awesome, and i look so fucking great in a wetsuit by the way. we went to a gay club, which is always good for my self esteem. whenever a girl upsets me, i should just go there, boys love me. seriously.
yesterday i went shopping for myself. it was wonderful. I bought new socks. go me.
thanks for the compliments from everyone that has just recently seen my old SB set. you ladies are great and i appreciate the compliments, the next one should equally rock, if not moreso.
Anyway, great weekend,
Somewhere in me is still ...
| right here though
"You made me swear [x2].
I, I can't sleep.
Realize all these things that you took from me.
Smash my heart (you made me swear)
into dust. (you made me swear)
Suffocate my mind. (you made me swear)
Tear at me from inside. (you made me swear)
Smash apart what you created.
How can I ever stop you from crushing my soul?
It was, it was yours, yours to begin with"
left coast girls
Friday we had a bonfire party, it was alright, although i offended two girls that were there twords the end of the night with my morbid sense of humor ("lets make like a coat-hanger"). Then we went to LAZERTAG

Oh yeah ... S><E

((( i had to edit this post because it wasnt colourful enough))

I surfed for a couple hours saturday, which was awesome, and i look so fucking great in a wetsuit by the way. we went to a gay club, which is always good for my self esteem. whenever a girl upsets me, i should just go there, boys love me. seriously.
yesterday i went shopping for myself. it was wonderful. I bought new socks. go me.
thanks for the compliments from everyone that has just recently seen my old SB set. you ladies are great and i appreciate the compliments, the next one should equally rock, if not moreso.
Anyway, great weekend,
Somewhere in me is still ...
| right here though
"You made me swear [x2].
I, I can't sleep.
Realize all these things that you took from me.
Smash my heart (you made me swear)
into dust. (you made me swear)
Suffocate my mind. (you made me swear)
Tear at me from inside. (you made me swear)
Smash apart what you created.
How can I ever stop you from crushing my soul?
It was, it was yours, yours to begin with"

I don't understand why any girl would make you feel like shyte. I.. if I had the chance.. would probably never let you go.. .but then... yeah... umm..
anyway.. yeah.. I'm dorky enough to play tons and tons of video games. So Halo is of course a common game. Plus... I just must say that you rock my world for going and playing laser tag... I LOVE that. totally high school, but totally awesome... I used to play all the time.. kicked a lot of ass as well, but yeah. neato.
time for bed. night.
[Edited on Sep 29, 2005 3:47AM]