I decided in this last week that I am not focusing enough on the things that I love.
I think a lot of students realize this in school. Too often it seems like the reason that a lot of people drop out. Being a non-traditional student and working full time for the man, it doesnt surprise me that this came in my mid twenties rather than my early twenties. I work about 50 hours a week and take 3 classes a semester. I want to be a much better drummer. I want to be a much better photographer. I am improving at both, but much too slowly for my liking. I wish I had more time to paint too, its a pretty time intense hobby.
Don't get me wrong, I love the material that I am studying for school. I just wish I had more time for the things that I really love to do.
So, my solution, I am just going to have to make more time to do these things. Drumming makes me happier than the hour I waste each day looking at smut. Photography makes me much happier than an extra hour or two at the bar. I am going to make these things that make me happy real priorities.
Im pretty excited about it too.

you sir, are a fine man, indeed