So I just returned from D.C. where I was part of the enormous security detail protecting the president and his family throughout the inauguration festivities. It was a great event. And I enjoyed the experience immensely. I voted for President Obama, and for that I am proud. Im not a Democrat, but I certainly related more to the party and their candidate than the Republican...
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One of the reasons that I think you are a wonderful boy is because you blog about things such as this. I think that this administration under Barack Obama's supervision and guidance will be able to tweak America, if not change it forever.

Additionally, I wonder if I would have been one of the 5,309 kids that could have been sent to college for four years. If so, I shake my fist at the price of the inauguration activities. :]
Today I've posted a few responses around the groups that I belong to. Anyone on my friends list should feel free to follow my profile to those posts, they belong to really interesting threads. Anyone who did the reverse, that is, follow the thread to my profile, feel free to leave a comment for me! kiss
if you're not part of the group, you can't view the comments... what a tease.
Hey everyone. Just an update.

Im still alive. Things are going well. Between semesters right now, and have a ton of freetime on my hands. Everyone feel free to drop me a greeting at any time.

College rulezz i miss my class....but a little break is always good im in vacations right now smile

Late on November 4th the United States of America voted into office the first African-American President. Many consider this action the culmination of decades of struggle by the black civil rights movement. Even I am impressed by America's ability to move towards a 'post-racial' era and elect a first term senator whose vision of hope and change inspired voters from all backgrounds.

Despite this proud...
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Yo Yo.

Im seriously still alive, everyone.

Interesting thing though, I got my life threatened by a 50 year old woman yesterday. I don't mean that some random old lady threatened me in passing. A former romantic-interest's mother texted me(I swear.... text... you can't even make this shit up.) that she wanted me dead. seriously. something along the lines of that she would use her...
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haha. wow. that's amazing.

The company in question released a public appology over the ad. Aparently they didn't know about it and the influx of criticism from around the world that they recieved via phone and email brought it to their attention.

The following articles was forwarded to me by an atheist forum I frequent. I encourage everyone to correspond with this company, and express your response to...
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Hey, I um, I know I am late to the party and all, but I just saw some of your work, from like 2006 in the Urban Art group. Nice work. Do you sell any of your stuff that's on canvas (that's probably a dumbass question, but you'd be surprised at how many people say no - or maybe you won't?). Anyway, like I said, like your stuff, would want to see more! wink
Two random thoughts. ....
thought the first,
does anyone else obsess about fast food locations that they do not have near them? I go crazy over sonic, jack & the box, in & out , and round table pizza. It is in large part because none of them have locations where I am currently at. I don't even eat fast food very often, but I...
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I need IHOP stat. Like, all the time! It's not quite fast food though, but we don't have any up here

Hi everyone. So , kind of exciting thing. I just worked for the pope.

yeah, seriously. I am sure anyone who watches TV noticed that Pope Benedict XVI visited the U.S. last week and it was a big deal. I happen to work as a trainer and handler of a bomb sniffing dog. so for the last week I was in D.C. and New York...
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The matches new album 'A band in hope' came out last week.

I am utterly disappointed. I really wish I had great things to say, I do. The album does nothing for me. It is really sad because their first CD was one of my favorite albums.

Anyway, I ran a 5k last week also, placed 315th out of 3900. Go me! Chip time...
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I was doing so well for a bit, posting more often. The thing is, when things or going well, everyone wants to post. when things are going poorly, it is harder for alot of people to want to put their life or attitude up on the world wide internet.

Anyway, a little beat up over a girl, but I'll survive. things could be worse. Other...
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well thank u love!
Okay, okay... so i know that the last update was just a video, but this one will be too. But it is a good video, this was taken from the 2000 election trail for the US president. found it on SG news. hope you enjoy.

On a completely different spectrum, I know that alot girls who compliment me like me because I am a cute...
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Some nice pics you got there.
New blog, just a video, enjoy.

I second that - and add "true" - Funny, sad and true!